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Cognitive Dysfunction

Forums General Melanoma Community Cognitive Dysfunction

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      If this is something that has been discussed recently, forgive me, I'm not on here often. Sixteen months ago I was diagnosed with Stage IV in my lungs. Scattered small spots and two large spots. I have had the 4 ipi treatments and 25 nivo treatments and most everything is gone. The one lingering spot just doesn't want to go away. It started at 35mm and is now only 5mm.

      However, along the way I've had 2 week-long stays in the hospital. Both times for cognitive issues. The first time the official diagnosis was viral encephalitis, I don't know what the diagnosis the second time was. My doctor said, in his words, I was in zombie land. For 3-4 days both times I was a functional vegetable.

       I know these are potential side effects, and potential late effects as well. Has anyone else experienced this? Do the late effect occurrences diminish with time? Is there anything out there to minimize this?

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          Should we assume that you've had regular brain MRI's with clear results? I've not heard of cognitive function issues as a side effect… but then, it's been a while since I read up on this things. However, something so harsh that one would be hospitalized, seems like something requiring further investigation.


              Yes, I have had brain MRIs. A baseline MRI and subsequent as I have problems. All clear. 

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