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      ed williams

        Such bullshit Anon, no sources, or data just opinion!!!  I am surprised that this wasn't another coffee up the old wazzu article curing cancer. 


            Ed, Actually Ralph Moss is well known for over 30 years doing cancer research. See

            I wish you would stop commenting on info that you know NOTHING about. What makes you an expert on anything?

            ed williams

              Dear Anon, so I was correct, this Moss guy is an alternative medicine dude!!! You are right when it comes to taking advice, much better coming from a guy with a Dr. Of Philosophy (Dr.Moss) than some one with actual melanoma experience!!!


              Well, I drink 3 pots a day, and here I thought it must be bad for me (but better than the 12 pack of beer I emptied daily during my previous addiction).


                This quack Moss's PhD is in Classics (Literature).   He is not a scientist nor is he a doctor.   He's a snake oil salesman trying to make a buck off the misery of others.


                  Beat it Buster !!!!


                      For all you Debbie Downers do you think this guy would be in the FDA (Fraud and Death Administration) would be in business for over 40 years if it was snake oil?


                        He edited reports for the FDA, he wasn't a researcher or scientist.   I've been in Public Health for 35 years; if I write a blog post tomorrow claiming that coffee causes cancer, does that make it true?


                        Anon, I bet you are also going to tell us that Mega doeses of Vitamin C will cure our cancer, or that Marijuana is the answer to our problems.

                        Please, do not come to our house and try to change our minds on how to treat our cancer. A lot of us are scared and some of us dying. We don't need to hear from ANOTHER Anonymous person that the way to cure our cancer is to go Holistic.

                        Please stick to what you actually know, and leave others alone.

                        Respectfully, Riven

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