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Choroidal Melanoma Liver Mets Ascites/low albumin/edema questions

Forums General Melanoma Community Choroidal Melanoma Liver Mets Ascites/low albumin/edema questions

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      Hello Everyone, I have questions about if there are any other Choroidal Melanoma Liver metastasis patients on the site.

      My husband was diagnosed in May 2010 with the liver mets and we have completed 2 rounds of chemo-embolization with ironotecan beads.

      We are waiting on our CT scan results due Monday but meanwhile we ended up in the E.R. with edema throughout feet, ankles, legs, glutes.

      We are told my husbands albumin levels are very low and that is causing the ascites and edema. We are told this is not a good sign.

      Hello Everyone, I have questions about if there are any other Choroidal Melanoma Liver metastasis patients on the site.

      My husband was diagnosed in May 2010 with the liver mets and we have completed 2 rounds of chemo-embolization with ironotecan beads.

      We are waiting on our CT scan results due Monday but meanwhile we ended up in the E.R. with edema throughout feet, ankles, legs, glutes.

      We are told my husbands albumin levels are very low and that is causing the ascites and edema. We are told this is not a good sign.

      Does anyone know of any natural treatments to help with this? We have had some success with elevation of the legs and lymphatic drainage.

      We are scared and would really like to hear of any other survivors out there and how you are doing it.

      Thank You

      Suzie and Jerry     

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    • Replies
        Jim M.

          Hi Suzie and Jerry,

          Were you told that the edema was permanent? I have lymphedema in my right arm. I wear the Juzo brand compression sleeves. I believe they have compression stockings for legs and feet. If Jerry gets the right fit they are comfortable. Wearing the sleeve and doing thdaily massage helps and my lymphedema is mild. I do some exersizes also.

          God Bless,

           Jim M.


          Jim M.

            Hi Suzie and Jerry,

            Were you told that the edema was permanent? I have lymphedema in my right arm. I wear the Juzo brand compression sleeves. I believe they have compression stockings for legs and feet. If Jerry gets the right fit they are comfortable. Wearing the sleeve and doing thdaily massage helps and my lymphedema is mild. I do some exersizes also.

            God Bless,

             Jim M.


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