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Checking in with an update…

Forums Cutaneous Melanoma Community Checking in with an update…

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      I came to the board about 6-7 weeks ago after I went to my first skin exam (I turned 30 in April and went based on the recommendation of my doctor) where they removed 5 moles for biopsy. 4 of them came back benign but 1 came back as moderately dysplastic. I returned a week later where they took margins and removed 5 additional moles. Just wanted to let you know I received clear margins on the 1 and received “all clear” news on the others. That makes 10 suspicious moles removed with only 1 “bad guy” as my dermatologist put it. He told me that even though I have a lot of other moles (25-30) he said he took off everything he was really concerned about and rather than keep picking me apart would like to see me in 4-6 months and see me at least every 6 months for the next year or two. He said at each exam he’d track if he (or I) notice any changes and take off 1-2 as a precaution. Ultimately doesn’t seemed concerned but just thinks this will be part of my new normal.

      I still get anxious sometimes that he didn’t take off everything he should have or maybe missed one. However, I am trying to remind myself that going every 4-6 months is the best I can do and I can’t obsess over it. Easier said than done I guess.

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          Great news!
            Great news!
            Summer S.
              Hello dear,
              Am happy things are pretty much under control, we have been through this for a while now and yes it is so scary and confusing in the beginning and you worry about every single mole or even dot. But good news is, it gets better with time, you begin to understand your own pattern and become easier and easier to identify suspicious moles from good ones. Pro tip: Do not miss Derma appointments, always take photos for comparison overtime, and review the ABCDE guide every now and then. Give it sometime and you will find peace of mind soon :)) Good Luck
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