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Can someone please help with this pathology report?

Forums General Melanoma Community Can someone please help with this pathology report?

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      This was written in a pathology report taken from a mole on my mid-abdomen.  I apparently have many of these moles. Is it malignant? Can someone kindly opine and suggest what next steps should be?  Should I be seeking a digital dermatascopy exam?


      From report:

      Diagnosis: Junction nevus, dysplastic type, extending to one lateral  margin.

      Microscopic description: The dennoepidermal junction contains a melinocytic proliferation in which the melanocytes are disposed primarily in nests.  Many of  the melanocytes show mild cytologic atypia, bridge and fuse adjacent rete and are associated with a fibrosis of  superficial papillary dermis.



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          Sounds like it is a dysplastic nevi which is not melanoma. Also on the path report there should be a recommendation. Quite often if it extends to a lateral margin they will take a wider margin.  I have had severe dysplastic nevi where they do wider excisions and then sometimes it's just a funky mole and nothing more is done.

          Sounds like you found them early and will not have anymore issues from them.

          Linda (multiple primaries and multiple dysplastic nevi) Now stage IV since 06 and currently NED


            Sounds like it is a dysplastic nevi which is not melanoma. Also on the path report there should be a recommendation. Quite often if it extends to a lateral margin they will take a wider margin.  I have had severe dysplastic nevi where they do wider excisions and then sometimes it's just a funky mole and nothing more is done.

            Sounds like you found them early and will not have anymore issues from them.

            Linda (multiple primaries and multiple dysplastic nevi) Now stage IV since 06 and currently NED


              Dysplastic Nevi are not Melanoma, sometimes they might turn into melanoma if left alone sometimes not.  However, it is a very good warning sign that you need to have regular skin check with a derm. and use sun block.  You have done well.  It is reallly difficult to tell if you have many more, I've probably had 16 moles removed 3 dysplastic.  All of them looked different.  And my melanoma I had removed because it itched, the doc thought it looked "just fine". 


              If margines were clear on the removal of this mole, I wouldn't worrry.  Wait and see what the future holds.  And like I said start taking care of your skin.


                Dysplastic Nevi are not Melanoma, sometimes they might turn into melanoma if left alone sometimes not.  However, it is a very good warning sign that you need to have regular skin check with a derm. and use sun block.  You have done well.  It is reallly difficult to tell if you have many more, I've probably had 16 moles removed 3 dysplastic.  All of them looked different.  And my melanoma I had removed because it itched, the doc thought it looked "just fine". 


                If margines were clear on the removal of this mole, I wouldn't worrry.  Wait and see what the future holds.  And like I said start taking care of your skin.

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