The information on this site is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Content within the patient forum is user-generated and has not been reviewed by medical professionals. Other sections of the Melanoma Research Foundation website include information that has been reviewed by medical professionals as appropriate. All medical decisions should be made in consultation with your doctor or other qualified medical professional.

Bring Mucosal Melanoma Together

Forums Mucosal Melanoma Community Bring Mucosal Melanoma Together

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      Hello, my name is Erica and I have posted before about my mom have Oral Mucosal Melanoma.

      I want to bring us all together. I have been posting everywhere people with melanoma are to share with them my new FB PAGE. If we all have a meeting place specifically for MM then it's easier… Please come to

      thank you so much and see you there!

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          Thanks for starting this facebook page. I will be follwoing it, but hesitiate to post for now, only becuase my son is a little private about this. my son Ben was also diagnosed with oral melanoma right before he turned 21. His was on the tip of his tongue . Oral melanoma rare enough, and the location even rarer!

          His had spread to one lymph node. Had CLD and a year of interferon. He is now 5 years NED!

          At the time of dx I knew better than to do too much googling and researciing on the ineternet, but couldnt help myslef. All I saw were very grim statisitics and so this was a very scary time for us. It still is, espiecally during the wait to find out scan results.

          again, thanks for giving a voice to those with this rare form of melanoma.




              ps…this site needs automatic spell check, I just noticed all my typos!


                ps…this site needs automatic spell check, I just noticed all my typos!


                  ps…this site needs automatic spell check, I just noticed all my typos!



                  Thanks for starting this facebook page. I will be follwoing it, but hesitiate to post for now, only becuase my son is a little private about this. my son Ben was also diagnosed with oral melanoma right before he turned 21. His was on the tip of his tongue . Oral melanoma rare enough, and the location even rarer!

                  His had spread to one lymph node. Had CLD and a year of interferon. He is now 5 years NED!

                  At the time of dx I knew better than to do too much googling and researciing on the ineternet, but couldnt help myslef. All I saw were very grim statisitics and so this was a very scary time for us. It still is, espiecally during the wait to find out scan results.

                  again, thanks for giving a voice to those with this rare form of melanoma.





                    Thanks for starting this facebook page. I will be follwoing it, but hesitiate to post for now, only becuase my son is a little private about this. my son Ben was also diagnosed with oral melanoma right before he turned 21. His was on the tip of his tongue . Oral melanoma rare enough, and the location even rarer!

                    His had spread to one lymph node. Had CLD and a year of interferon. He is now 5 years NED!

                    At the time of dx I knew better than to do too much googling and researciing on the ineternet, but couldnt help myslef. All I saw were very grim statisitics and so this was a very scary time for us. It still is, espiecally during the wait to find out scan results.

                    again, thanks for giving a voice to those with this rare form of melanoma.



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                The MRF Patient Forum is the oldest and largest online community of people affected by melanoma. It is designed to provide peer support and information to caregivers, patients, family and friends. There is no better place to discuss different parts of your journey with this cancer and find the friends and support resources to make that journey more bearable.

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