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BRAF/MEK 6/6 – Vision Change 1st day – Chance of Permanent?

Forums General Melanoma Community BRAF/MEK 6/6 – Vision Change 1st day – Chance of Permanent?

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      Hope I don’t screw this up, I’m new as of today. I’m including my Melanoma history below as reference. My question: I’m Stage-4 with new lesions on my liver. I began BRAF/MEK 6/6 yesterday and in a few hours my vision went haywire. Blurry, Distorted, light sensitive, a gold aura around the edges. It sounds like a version of Photophobia. My Oncologist stopped the meds till we can regroup. Vision still blurry. I’m concerned the vision problem might worsen or become permanent if I continue the BRAF/MEK. Anyone experienced this or have a suggestion? If so, I’ll be very grateful. I’m a little freaked and running out of options.
      THANK YOU and wishing each of you the very best possible outcome, Paul

      83 years old. Metastatic Melanoma Stage-4. Diagnosed December 2022. Surgery to remove 4 skin cancers Jan, 2023. 11 months of immunotherapy (Opdivo.) In 12th month, Opdivo crashed my Kidneys and GFR went from 69 to 8. ER and 5 days in hospital. 2nd 5 days in hospital for Kidneys a month later. Three months of Kidney meds and heavy Pred – new normal GFR about 35-44 – Creat 1.5-1.8. Melanoma spread to right side lymph nodes – 2nd surgery June 2024 – right dissection removed 18 lymph nodes. Drain for 7 weeks. Spot radiation daily for a month. PET showed new tumors on liver. Now beginning targeted Braf/Mek daily.

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          Hopefully things have cleared up up by now but almost all vision changes, including those from steroids, are temporary.
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