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Blurry lung nodule?

Forums General Melanoma Community Blurry lung nodule?

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      Hi, I was staged as T1a 0.6mm SSM 6 months ago, but because of a higher S100 last month they did a CT scan last week. It turned out that they have found a 7mm blurry lung nodule which could be malignin or benign. They dont know and will repeat CT in 8 weeks. Has somebody experienced something similar and am I now stage 4? I’m scared…

      Thanks and cheers, Chris

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        Julie in SoCal

          Hi Chris,

          Sorry about this new news. But the good news is that lung nodules are very, very common and it's possible that this is just something they found in the process of scanning and not mel or anything more than "just funk" as my doc says.  

          Keeping an eye on them is a good plan.  If they change or light up a pet scan then you can do something about them, but until then don't worry, (I know easier said…) and don't push yourself to stage 4 until you have to.

          I know it's hard not to jump to thinking you're stage 4.  I have a personal policy of not calling it something until my doc has.  Now I'm very interactive with my doctor (and I love him dearly) but for me a lung nodule (and I have had many) is just a nodule until the doc says it's something else.  



              Dear Julie,
              thank you for the nice comment and for giving me some hope. Its really hard.
              Cheers and a Shalom for you, Chris
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