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Blood blister versus Nodular Melanoma

Forums General Melanoma Community Blood blister versus Nodular Melanoma

  • This topic has 9 replies, 6 voices, and was last updated 4 years ago by SOLE.
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      Has anyone on this board thought or their dermatologist thought you had a blood blister when after a biopsy it turns it was actually nodular melanoma?

      Has anyone on this board thought or their dermatologist thought you had a blood blister when after a biopsy it turns it was actually nodular melanoma?

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          Well, I didn't think it was a blood blister because of its location (middle of the back)…but, my primary was small (think small, used pencil eraser), and it was getting more and more tender (growing?).  When I showed it to my general pract. doctor the morning of my biopsy and subsequent Mel diagnosis, she said:  "Oh, this is nothing to worry about.  I could freeze it off now, but the dermatologists get mad if I do…so, lets have them do it".  After biopsy and then removal of the primary the pathology showed it to be 9 mm.  9!  That's almost a centimeter deep.  That little f&*!er was aggressively going deeper while not having much manifestation on the surface.  And fast, too – it happened over a few months. 

          I will only go to dermatologists that specialize in Melanoma after this.  – Shari


            Well, I didn't think it was a blood blister because of its location (middle of the back)…but, my primary was small (think small, used pencil eraser), and it was getting more and more tender (growing?).  When I showed it to my general pract. doctor the morning of my biopsy and subsequent Mel diagnosis, she said:  "Oh, this is nothing to worry about.  I could freeze it off now, but the dermatologists get mad if I do…so, lets have them do it".  After biopsy and then removal of the primary the pathology showed it to be 9 mm.  9!  That's almost a centimeter deep.  That little f&*!er was aggressively going deeper while not having much manifestation on the surface.  And fast, too – it happened over a few months. 

            I will only go to dermatologists that specialize in Melanoma after this.  – Shari


              Yes, My husbands was thought to be nothing but a blood blister…..He passed away on Nov 30th, 2010.

              Take Care,

              Sherron, wife to Jim FOREVER


                Yes, My husbands was thought to be nothing but a blood blister…..He passed away on Nov 30th, 2010.

                Take Care,

                Sherron, wife to Jim FOREVER


                  Please go get this checked out by a melanoma specialist! I had what looked at first like a pale pink blood blister or wart on the top of my left foot. I bought over the counter wart meds etc to try and get rid of it. AFter a month it wouldnt go away so i went to an urgent care facility. They told me it was a rash or a wart and to come back in a month if it didnt go away. I went back and they said it was nothing to worry about since it was perfectly symmetrical, skin colored /pinkish etc. I asked to go to a dermatologist , they said it wasnt a skin issue so they sent me to a podiatrist. So a month later i finally got in to see the podiatrist. He said it was a benign dermatofibroma , that women often get them on their feet and legs. He said i could leave it there and it would be harmless or he coudl take it off, but that since it was a "cosmetic" procedure my insurance wouldnt pay for it. I was broke at the time so i said i would think about it.


                  After another month went by, my vain self, and at the prodding of a nurse friend, i went back in to have him take it off. So it had been about 5 months total now since i had it. He called me the next week with the bad news. 2.4 nodular melanoma, clarks IV. Stage 2. Only 26 years old. So then i had the SNB …stage 3a with 3 cells in sentinel node. Did a year of interferon and now just scans..praying every day it doesnt come back. I think about turning back the clock all the time and making them take it off or take me seriously from the first month it appeared out of nowhere. Please do yourself a favor and get it checked out by another doctor so you dont have to go through the same thing i did. Much better to be safe than sorry and spend a little extra to make sure.


                  Let us know.

                  Jenjen 3a NED 17 months


                    Please go get this checked out by a melanoma specialist! I had what looked at first like a pale pink blood blister or wart on the top of my left foot. I bought over the counter wart meds etc to try and get rid of it. AFter a month it wouldnt go away so i went to an urgent care facility. They told me it was a rash or a wart and to come back in a month if it didnt go away. I went back and they said it was nothing to worry about since it was perfectly symmetrical, skin colored /pinkish etc. I asked to go to a dermatologist , they said it wasnt a skin issue so they sent me to a podiatrist. So a month later i finally got in to see the podiatrist. He said it was a benign dermatofibroma , that women often get them on their feet and legs. He said i could leave it there and it would be harmless or he coudl take it off, but that since it was a "cosmetic" procedure my insurance wouldnt pay for it. I was broke at the time so i said i would think about it.


                    After another month went by, my vain self, and at the prodding of a nurse friend, i went back in to have him take it off. So it had been about 5 months total now since i had it. He called me the next week with the bad news. 2.4 nodular melanoma, clarks IV. Stage 2. Only 26 years old. So then i had the SNB …stage 3a with 3 cells in sentinel node. Did a year of interferon and now just scans..praying every day it doesnt come back. I think about turning back the clock all the time and making them take it off or take me seriously from the first month it appeared out of nowhere. Please do yourself a favor and get it checked out by another doctor so you dont have to go through the same thing i did. Much better to be safe than sorry and spend a little extra to make sure.


                    Let us know.

                    Jenjen 3a NED 17 months

                      A long time ago, I had a melanoma recurrence. My primary doctor told me not to worry about it, it’s just a bug bite. Had it removed a week later, melanoma.

                      Be careful !!! What do they call the person that graduates in last place at med school?






                        ed williams
                          Hi John, a new member clicked on one of the like buttons from this post which was from 2011, so I don’t think you will get an answer since I don’t think they are active on MRF any longer.
                          Never let anything like a blood blister turn you away of consulting a dermatologist. My melanoma was flesh coloured (amenalotic) and turned like a mushroom like wart with pinkish red colour on top after a few months. At least 2.85mm modular ulcerated melanoma under the right foot. Just next to an old 20 year wart I did not care to treat. Enough said. Good luck!
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