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Black lesion on tonsil

Forums General Melanoma Community Black lesion on tonsil

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      I started last week with a sore, scratchy throat and a cough. Sunday of this week I felt like there was something stuck in the back of my throat so I got the flashlight out and looked around back there. I was surprised to find a black lesion that takes up about 1/4 of my right tonsil. I texted my onc office and got in on Monday. They said they have never seen anything like it before. I did alot of reading and the good news is melanoma in the tonsil seems to be rare, but what in the world could it be? Right now I am scheduled for a biopsy next Thursday. I am hoping it is a blood clot or some type of infection that will be gone by then,but so far there has been no changes. Anyone have any experience they can share? I am nervous what this may mean for the Clinical trial I have invested so much time travel in. Trying not to worry and take it one day at a time.
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          Hi, Lisa.

          Tonsilar melanome IS indeed pretty rare, but I managed to have it!!  Even so, I had a right tonsillectomy back in 2010 (after having a brain met zapped with SRS and a right upper lobectomy of my lung due to bronchial melanoma), joined a nivo trial for 2 1/2 years and remain NED with no treatments since June of 2013.  BUT!!!!  The fact that you had a sore throat and cough is NOT consistent with melanoma and makes other things more likely in your case!!!!  Exudate from viruses and even thrush can at times have a "black" appearance.  However, once we've been down this path you have no choice but to do the biopsy and find out for sure.  I'm going to keep fingers crossed for you on Thursday and hope that your results are negative for melanoma.  Hang in there.  Sorry you are having to deal with this, but the odds are that it is something else!!!  Keep us posted.  Yours, Celeste

              Thank you Celeste. Your response is encouraging. As we all know, the waiting game is difficult. I thought all of my symptoms sounded viral, but I will be glad to see a report confirming that. It is amazing what you have gone through and are NED. God is still working miracles!
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