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Black dots on mole

Forums Cutaneous Melanoma Community Black dots on mole

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      Hi everyone… sorry if this seems an odd post but I just need some advice as it is Christmas Eve and GPs will be shut for a few days, but i'm panicking. 
      I am an 18 year old female, and I have a mole on my arm which I have had for as long as I can remember. It is slightly raised, but nothing unusual. However, the mole has now developed little black dots on it. The actual. mole has not changed colour, just been covered by these tiny black dots. There have been no other changes on it, but I am just a bit concerned and unsure of what to do from here (whether I need to be seriously worried). 
      If anyone has any advice I would be very appreciative. 
      Thank you!
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          None of us can tell you if it is serious.  But my motto is if something is changing, it is worth getting biopsied.  It doesn't mean it is melanoma (there are other things like atypical moles that aren't cancerous), but it means it is worth finding out what it is.  I wouldn't stress, I'd just get an appointment scheduled.


            I had a mole on my abdomen forever!!.. I kept having it checked out and was told it was nothing… I since noticed another "mole" growing on top of the original mole.. flat , dark, not huge… but started bleeding about a year after I noticed it.  Fast forward.. Dec 27 2017 I had it biopsied.. Jan 5, 2018 received a call from my dermatolgoist…  Jan 11 scheduled for WLE followed by right groin lymph removal….Today finishing up Opdivo (in March)   PET s been negative…  Take home… NO ONE knows until it is biopsied..  See your dermatologist and have it checked out as Janner says…

            Good Luck 


                I am the original poster- just to update, went to see Gp and was told it was totally benign so it’s all clear! Am having it removed though just incase. 

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