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Big surgery coming up and bad news about family

Forums General Melanoma Community Big surgery coming up and bad news about family

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      My suprahyoid neck dissection on the left side is Monday.  I'm pretty nervous. I did too much research.  It's a much scarier surgery than I thought it would be. So many important things in that area.  First of all my irrational-ish fear: I sing. Not to sound cocky, but I'm pretty good at it.  It's something I'm known for. The moment my surgical oncologist told me about the risks of damaging my vocal cords I actually said "woah woah woah…  Those have to stay the way they are. Nooooo vocal cord damage!"  

      I know my surgeon is good, and there will also be a superior surgeon who specializes in head and neck surgeries in there helping. So chances are slimmer than slim anything will get damaged. Doesn't mean I'm not super scared.

      Luckily I have an army of friends and family who will be here to help me recover. To take care of my three young daughters and all of that. 

      But speaking about family….  I have an aunt who was diagnosed with Ovarian cancer in 2012. They caught it really early, and like me there was only microscopic spreading to lymph nodes.  She had a total hysterectomy and a couple rounds of chemo and she was in remission. Has been in remission for 4 years… 

      Yesterday my dad called me to tell me the cancer was back.  On her liver.  Terminal. Even with diligent care and a close eye. That happened. She didn't stand a chance. Now I feel like even when I get rid of this thing with the surgeries and the immunotherapy…  Do I stand a chance?  Is this thing like an evil super villain who never seems to die at the end of the movie, gearing up for a sequel?  

      I will definitely be bringing up her recurrence to my medical oncologist. And how I want them to be as aggressive as they feel needed. I don't want to live my life afraid. Like this thing will be secretly hiding out in the shadows waiting for the very wrong time to peak it's ugly head out on my brain. Or wherever. 

      As we all know….  It's just not fair…  It's just.  Not.  Fair.  

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          I just want to say you can't compare apples to oranges when it comes to your aunt having a recurrence with her ovarian cancer and to your melanoma. All cancers are different, act different, and even the same cancer in two people can act and do things very differently. I am so sorry to hear about your aunt and of course it is NOT fair! The risk of recurrence is real, but you can only do everything in your power now to hopefully keep a recurrence from happening. Just as your aunt did everything she could do at the time and she kept the cancer away for 4 years. If only we had a crystal ball to tell us whether, even after we get the NED label, we will stay NED forever or not. But, we can't. I am sending lots of positive thoughts your way that your surgery goes smoothly and recovery goes well for you. Hoping for all the best outcomes because that is all we can do now, kick butt and hope for the best!



            I just want to say you can't compare apples to oranges when it comes to your aunt having a recurrence with her ovarian cancer and to your melanoma. All cancers are different, act different, and even the same cancer in two people can act and do things very differently. I am so sorry to hear about your aunt and of course it is NOT fair! The risk of recurrence is real, but you can only do everything in your power now to hopefully keep a recurrence from happening. Just as your aunt did everything she could do at the time and she kept the cancer away for 4 years. If only we had a crystal ball to tell us whether, even after we get the NED label, we will stay NED forever or not. But, we can't. I am sending lots of positive thoughts your way that your surgery goes smoothly and recovery goes well for you. Hoping for all the best outcomes because that is all we can do now, kick butt and hope for the best!



              I just want to say you can't compare apples to oranges when it comes to your aunt having a recurrence with her ovarian cancer and to your melanoma. All cancers are different, act different, and even the same cancer in two people can act and do things very differently. I am so sorry to hear about your aunt and of course it is NOT fair! The risk of recurrence is real, but you can only do everything in your power now to hopefully keep a recurrence from happening. Just as your aunt did everything she could do at the time and she kept the cancer away for 4 years. If only we had a crystal ball to tell us whether, even after we get the NED label, we will stay NED forever or not. But, we can't. I am sending lots of positive thoughts your way that your surgery goes smoothly and recovery goes well for you. Hoping for all the best outcomes because that is all we can do now, kick butt and hope for the best!


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