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atypical mole

Forums General Melanoma Community atypical mole

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      Hello – I don’t have a diagnosis of melanoma at this time but was still hopeful that I could get some help. My dad passed away from recurrent melanoma on 12/26/21 after a short but intense disease course. He went from “normal” in mid-Oct to using a cane by late Nov (due to spinal mets), to passing away 12/26. It is still surreal to me to reflect upon what happened to him.

      During his illness, I noticed a mole in my belly button. That is not an area that sees a lot of daylight – I’m a heavy middle age (41) woman. I saw my dermatologist on 12/28 and she excised (I’m not sure what kind of biopsy was done) that mole and one one my calf. The one on my calf was benign but the belly button one was “atypical”. She would like me to see a different doctor to have a wider excision done. I was offered choice of a derm who does that type of surgery, a general surgeon, or a plastic surgeon.

      I’m leaning toward going with a dermatologist to do the excision. Does that seem like the best choice? I’m not concerned about scarring, as I mentioned that area is not one I ever make public. She said that the atypical mole places me at a higher lifetime risk for melanoma, along with my dad having had it, so yearly skin checks should be done. She is also going to freeze something off of my nose this week Wednesday. She would have done it on 12/28/21 when I first saw her but I didn’t want a big red nose for my dads funeral 2 days later. Is there anything else I should do to follow up? Thank you so much everyone for sharing your wisdom and experiences here over the years.

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          Dear Mary,

          I am now a 5 year old + acral melanoma stage 2b/2c (not clear from the initial lesion biopsy, underneath my right foot where the sun never shines) survivor and I feel fortunate everyday to be alive and like you, I had a mole in my belly button. I actually have had a lot of moles forever. A year ago this week, I went for an inguinal hernia repair and had my general surgeon plan for removing that mole while I was in the OR. It healed very easily (with quite a few stitches in my case due to the laparoscopic nature of the surgery procedure through my belly button. It could be much less invasive for you in my opinion but of course I dont know your case and I’m not a doctor!) So, I encourage you to first have this checked out by the proper physician and dermatologist and arrange for a removal if appropriate. In my case, I have had no problem at all and am fully relieved of that mole worries. It is not unusual to have atypical moles by the way. I have had several removed over the last few years.

          Wishing you the best and sending my sincere condolences for your father’s passing.



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