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advice on interferon

Forums General Melanoma Community advice on interferon

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      I was recently diagnosed with a t4 tumour on my chest. My pet scan was clear and my sentinel lymph node biopsy was clear, which puts me at stage 2b.

      I went to see an oncologist today who recommended going on interferon for a year because the melanoma was on my chest. My surgeon isn't so sure it is necessary so I have to make the decision!

      Everything I read on this makes me more confused, I was wondering if anyone else has been in a similar situation and can offer some advice.

      I have two young children and live abroad so I'm not sure I will have the support I need to get through such a tough year. Would appreciate any advice!

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          As far as I know, interferon is not used as treatment for stage 2 – at least in the states it is more often given for stage 3.   It is a rough treatment for some people and others sail through.  Research suggests it is not very effect so do your reading and use the search function on this board to get a more opinions.

          Good luck!


            As far as I know, interferon is not used as treatment for stage 2 – at least in the states it is more often given for stage 3.   It is a rough treatment for some people and others sail through.  Research suggests it is not very effect so do your reading and use the search function on this board to get a more opinions.

            Good luck!


                Interferon does not extend your overall survival, not worth a year of misery.  Look for the article that was posted here about making the decision.  It is an old drug with few uses these days.


                  There's a lot over on about this too.


                    There's a lot over on about this too.


                      There's a lot over on about this too.


                        Helping Melanoma Patients Decide Whether to Choose Adjuvant High-Dose Interferon-α2b



                          Helping Melanoma Patients Decide Whether to Choose Adjuvant High-Dose Interferon-α2b



                            Helping Melanoma Patients Decide Whether to Choose Adjuvant High-Dose Interferon-α2b



                              Interferon does not extend your overall survival, not worth a year of misery.  Look for the article that was posted here about making the decision.  It is an old drug with few uses these days.


                                Interferon does not extend your overall survival, not worth a year of misery.  Look for the article that was posted here about making the decision.  It is an old drug with few uses these days.


                                As far as I know, interferon is not used as treatment for stage 2 – at least in the states it is more often given for stage 3.   It is a rough treatment for some people and others sail through.  Research suggests it is not very effect so do your reading and use the search function on this board to get a more opinions.

                                Good luck!

                                  You can’t base the negativity people have about this drug on what you want to do. If you feel this treatment is what you want to do, go for it. I’ve talked to people that are and have been NED for awhile now and they did interferon. Every body is different. It doesn’t work for some people, and it does for others. Sending positive thoughts!
                                    You can’t base the negativity people have about this drug on what you want to do. If you feel this treatment is what you want to do, go for it. I’ve talked to people that are and have been NED for awhile now and they did interferon. Every body is different. It doesn’t work for some people, and it does for others. Sending positive thoughts!
                                      You can’t base the negativity people have about this drug on what you want to do. If you feel this treatment is what you want to do, go for it. I’ve talked to people that are and have been NED for awhile now and they did interferon. Every body is different. It doesn’t work for some people, and it does for others. Sending positive thoughts!

                                        I was in a similar situation. My surgeon and oncologist disagreed with interferon.  I went with the advice of my oncologist  and completed the high and low dose interferon treatment. 4 years NED in October. I have to say it was not easy by no means and I had the help ans support of my wife and family. I did work the entire year. If I was not working, I sleeping.  Everyone has a different story.

                                        good luck




                                          I was in a similar situation. My surgeon and oncologist disagreed with interferon.  I went with the advice of my oncologist  and completed the high and low dose interferon treatment. 4 years NED in October. I have to say it was not easy by no means and I had the help ans support of my wife and family. I did work the entire year. If I was not working, I sleeping.  Everyone has a different story.

                                          good luck




                                            I was in a similar situation. My surgeon and oncologist disagreed with interferon.  I went with the advice of my oncologist  and completed the high and low dose interferon treatment. 4 years NED in October. I have to say it was not easy by no means and I had the help ans support of my wife and family. I did work the entire year. If I was not working, I sleeping.  Everyone has a different story.

                                            good luck



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