The information on this site is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Content within the patient forum is user-generated and has not been reviewed by medical professionals. Other sections of the Melanoma Research Foundation website include information that has been reviewed by medical professionals as appropriate. All medical decisions should be made in consultation with your doctor or other qualified medical professional.

A little contribution :)

Forums General Melanoma Community A little contribution :)

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      Spent a couple of nights in chat with the *old* funny girls ..oh, and Charlie πŸ™‚  It was nice to visit and I know we miss the real time interaction.  Thanks dian for getting us all together πŸ™‚ You are a faithful Mpiper and friend.  We are busy doing other things and it's o.k… still, I feel guilty when I forget to visit,  return phone calls or  initiate / answer e-mails…but I do think about everyone and hope for all good news. Someone mentioned there is a new patient inspired 'movement'  to man/ visit chat each evening– self-selected old-timers will post on the main board about their intention to be in chat that evening. I hope it works out and some of you will visit to help them.  πŸ™‚

      I've been reading a blog I very much enjoy…. I don't know the blogger, but I like his woman- sometimes she makes me cry. While reading this morning, it reminded me of the many lives, ideas, stories and laughs / tears shared in chat sessions and the MPIP community over the years. Thought I'd take the time to post something on the board today…( a "dian inspired" thought πŸ™‚ ….& this blog fills the spot !

      Bye : )

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        dian in spokane

          Nice to see you haven't lost the address to this place. It was great seeing you in chat the othe night, and thanks again to you and jan and debbie for covering for me yesterday when I had my flat tire!




              Anytime πŸ™‚ – just e-mail and we'll come visit ! As long as the address routes here from – I'll never forget.

              Off to pick up pizza for all the starving kids in my neighborhood- or maybe it only seems that way. xoxox Happy Friday.


                Anytime πŸ™‚ – just e-mail and we'll come visit ! As long as the address routes here from – I'll never forget.

                Off to pick up pizza for all the starving kids in my neighborhood- or maybe it only seems that way. xoxox Happy Friday.

              dian in spokane

                Nice to see you haven't lost the address to this place. It was great seeing you in chat the othe night, and thanks again to you and jan and debbie for covering for me yesterday when I had my flat tire!



                Bonnie Lea

                  So happy to see your post.  yep!

                  Bonnie Lea

                    So happy to see your post.  yep!


                      hello tina, this billy, getting older, feeling silly!!


                        hello tina, this billy, getting older, feeling silly!!


                          Sorry I missed you!  Been wondering how things are going for you.


                            Sorry I missed you!  Been wondering how things are going for you.

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