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7 yr old fight!

Forums General Melanoma Community 7 yr old fight!

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        I am on FB and I did like this page, my heart it breaking for this little child, how unfair and dirty can melanoma play……God bless Serena and her family, please Lord bless them with the grace to fight this battle hard and straight on.  

        It is one thing for an adult, but a little child………..heaven help us.   Amen.


          I am on FB and I did like this page, my heart it breaking for this little child, how unfair and dirty can melanoma play……God bless Serena and her family, please Lord bless them with the grace to fight this battle hard and straight on.  

          It is one thing for an adult, but a little child………..heaven help us.   Amen.


            I saw this earlier…My heart is breaking for little Serena. Her biggest worry should be how to convince her parents to let her stay up past bedtime, not cancer… One good thing is that kids have an unusual ability to handle things that crush most adults. Prayers for Serena & family!


              I saw this earlier…My heart is breaking for little Serena. Her biggest worry should be how to convince her parents to let her stay up past bedtime, not cancer… One good thing is that kids have an unusual ability to handle things that crush most adults. Prayers for Serena & family!


                Surgery, chemicals, radiation. Sometimes I wonder how I have the strength to continue. I can't even imagine how a 7 year old can cope with this.

                Please pray for Serena and her family. I truly can't even imagine.

                Nicki, Stage 3b


                  Surgery, chemicals, radiation. Sometimes I wonder how I have the strength to continue. I can't even imagine how a 7 year old can cope with this.

                  Please pray for Serena and her family. I truly can't even imagine.

                  Nicki, Stage 3b


                    This is just heartbreaking!  It reminds me to be grateful for every minute that I have been alive and for every second my children have been on this earth.  Back in 2002, when I was recovering from my first cancer, I saw an interview with a boy named Mattie Stepanek.  He had muscular dystrophy and was dying.  His older brothers died from the same disease.  Mattie chose to write about his journey and published at least one book of poetry.  In the interview, he was asked if he ever questioned why this thing had happened to him.  HIs reply was something like, "Whenever I start to ask 'why me', I have to answer, 'why not me?'"  Oddly, that little boy's words got me through a really hard time.  I was 51 and he was 12 at the time.  He was much more of a grown-up than I at that point.  Prayers for Serena!!!


                      This is just heartbreaking!  It reminds me to be grateful for every minute that I have been alive and for every second my children have been on this earth.  Back in 2002, when I was recovering from my first cancer, I saw an interview with a boy named Mattie Stepanek.  He had muscular dystrophy and was dying.  His older brothers died from the same disease.  Mattie chose to write about his journey and published at least one book of poetry.  In the interview, he was asked if he ever questioned why this thing had happened to him.  HIs reply was something like, "Whenever I start to ask 'why me', I have to answer, 'why not me?'"  Oddly, that little boy's words got me through a really hard time.  I was 51 and he was 12 at the time.  He was much more of a grown-up than I at that point.  Prayers for Serena!!!

                      Carol Taylor

                        Did you see where a mother wrote on there offering support because her own 5 year old daughter is 3c?  I was stunned to learn young teenagers got this, but it's absolutely heartbreaking to see children 5 & 7, and you know there are others, with this. As of this morning 116 are supoorting this family. While I hate what brought us together, the community of people with melanoma are wonderful people.

                        Grace and peace to all,


                        Carol Taylor

                          Did you see where a mother wrote on there offering support because her own 5 year old daughter is 3c?  I was stunned to learn young teenagers got this, but it's absolutely heartbreaking to see children 5 & 7, and you know there are others, with this. As of this morning 116 are supoorting this family. While I hate what brought us together, the community of people with melanoma are wonderful people.

                          Grace and peace to all,


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