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5 yr. NED now!!! Lymphedema with heel spurs?

Forums General Melanoma Community 5 yr. NED now!!! Lymphedema with heel spurs?

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      Hi, It's been a little while since I've been on here. Just got my 5 yr. scans back and I'm still NED!!!!  WoooHooo!!!!  Was stage 3B when I got to know this beast, but I'm kicking it's butt!!! 

      Hi, It's been a little while since I've been on here. Just got my 5 yr. scans back and I'm still NED!!!!  WoooHooo!!!!  Was stage 3B when I got to know this beast, but I'm kicking it's butt!!! 

      My question is to anyone that has leg lymphedema….I've been having a huge problem with my heel on the side that my lymphedema is on. I have a doc appt. tomorrow to get it checked out but I'm just wondering if anyone has gotten heel spurs because of the lymphedema? If so… How do you fix it??? It hurts so bad and last night at work I pretty much had to walk on my tip-toes to keep the pressure off of my heel.

      Thanks for any information!!!


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          The heel issues sounds a lot like plantar fasciitis – a very common foot ailment.  Is your pain worse in the morning or after you've been sitting a while?  (I've been a long time sufferer).  It is unlikely it is directly related to any lymphedema.  However, you could be favoring your leg and somehow that is putting different stresses on the foot causing other foot issues.  I hope you get it figured out, and congrats on 5 years NED!



            The heel issues sounds a lot like plantar fasciitis – a very common foot ailment.  Is your pain worse in the morning or after you've been sitting a while?  (I've been a long time sufferer).  It is unlikely it is directly related to any lymphedema.  However, you could be favoring your leg and somehow that is putting different stresses on the foot causing other foot issues.  I hope you get it figured out, and congrats on 5 years NED!



              5 yrs NED – yea.  Congratulations.  Sorry there are problems with the heel.  I just wanted to tell you I am happy for the 5 yrs and hope you find a "fix" soon.  Beth 3/B


                5 yrs NED – yea.  Congratulations.  Sorry there are problems with the heel.  I just wanted to tell you I am happy for the 5 yrs and hope you find a "fix" soon.  Beth 3/B

                Cynthia C

                  My heel spurs came before my melanoma diagnosis. I tried everything for heel problems without success. What did work amazingly well was good quality arch supports! Regarding the lymphedema- take extra care even if it's not bad. I ignored my mild lymphedema and now, 10 years later, it seems to have kind of flared. All those years sitting at a desk I think.

                  Congrats on 5 years!

                  Cynthia C

                  Cynthia C

                    My heel spurs came before my melanoma diagnosis. I tried everything for heel problems without success. What did work amazingly well was good quality arch supports! Regarding the lymphedema- take extra care even if it's not bad. I ignored my mild lymphedema and now, 10 years later, it seems to have kind of flared. All those years sitting at a desk I think.

                    Congrats on 5 years!

                    Cynthia C

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