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32F Stage 1a

Forums General Melanoma Community 32F Stage 1a

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      Just had a very unexpected result come back yesterday for the cancerous mole I had biopsied last week. While seemingly not uncommon, 32 feels young to be finding cancerous moles. Im going back later today for the excision, it was early enough that it’s all I’ll need done outside of 3 month check ups moving forward. This is all happening while my mom is experiencing also unexpected changes with her stage 4 lung cancer (diagnosed 2019, been overall healthy until recently), so this all feels pretty overwhelming at the moment.

      Is there anyone else close to my age that has any advice? I initially went to the dermatologist for something unrelated so Im still feeling pretty caught off guard that I didnt even notice the mole on my shoulder was a concern.

      Thanks so much!

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          I had my 2b removed at 41 when still nursing a baby and I felt very young. But was told I was not actually young at all for a first melanoma. Some areas of the world have had a big uptick in skin cancer and they are being diagnosed at younger ages. I really didn’t think I’d see him start K let alone start 5th grade. When I progressed to stage IV six years later I was considered young.
            Hi there!
            I had a stage 1a melanoma removed in March 2018 when my second child was almost a year old. I was very very shaken by the whole thing, and I too was dealing with my FIL having a stage 4 cancer diagnosis.
            My best advice is to keep up with your dermatologist checkups and be vigilant but not scared about monitoring your skin for changes. In the past 4 1/2 years I have had other moles removed which turned out benign, and this summer I just had an Actinic keratosis removed on my leg.
            Best of luck to you and prayers for your mom!
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