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Re: start WBR on Mon

Forums General Melanoma Community start WBR on Mon Re: start WBR on Mon

    Knutes Pam

      Knute is doing better, he has been moved to rehab at the hospital. I feel he is a miracle from God for me. Tuesday night He was so tired and dizzy– not eating : but Wednesday It was like he woke up ! He was finishing lunch when I came after my work shift.   ONe of the first things he asked me was about Jerry's condition!  I haven't told him about WBR for you, but I will tomorrow!  He will continue to pray for you as will I.  You are beloved by many Miss Amy and I'm praying for all the comfort you have sent will be returned tenfold to you as you face this next challenge in your life.

      Knute is the better writer and communicator, but I hope you can sense our love coming through this short missive.


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