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Re: Idea for spellcheck

Forums General Melanoma Community Idea for spellcheck Re: Idea for spellcheck

    Bonnie Lea

      oh I do love not having to figure out all that weird printing half the time I had to move on to another set to try.  or worse just almost give up.  Spell check is fine, but only a few people think spelling is a direct link to intelligence.  And poke insults at us less inclined.  (They should see me try to text hahah)  hubby stands over me, and says   USE A SHORTER FORM  (money doncha kknow)


      He was so upset (not really) when I finally learned how to text to our dotter when we were camping, but it took me a while to sort out how to say  I luv u and u r sweet 2 and know she would understand it!  (she is 30)  haha  My spelling has always been quite bad, and I blame myself, for doing it phonetically to  help my deaf mom with her pronounciation.   (my story and I am sticking to it)

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