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It has been a year

Forums General Melanoma Community It has been a year

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      Dearest ones,

      Yesterday marks my one year anniversary since diagnosis. A day before that when I went for my dermotology check the physician's assistant told me that I would either get results that would give me great relief or be very, very bad. 

      Heart in mouth, I got THAT news. 

      And yet, a year of gratitude.  As a Stage IIIC diagnosed in April 2018, I was eligible for the Opdivo that had just been made newly available to Stage IIIs I think in December 2017? I had a recurrence and had it removed. I had some side effects and they were manageable. I was able to work which felt like normalcy.

      I had solid, solid support. From work, from loved ones, from you all. 

      And in the year I found out I had melanoma, I reconnected with my love to be, whom I'd met a million years ago (well, 20). Melanoma terrified me, but it didn't scare him. And now we are planning a wedding. 

      I am still skittish. I still hug my children too tight. I am still waiting for the other shoe to drop, especially with my next PET scan date and results approaching.  

      But as Oscar Wilde said, "We are all in the gutter. Some of us are looking at the stars." I am still looking up at those stars, full of awe and wonder at this life. 





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          Congratulations on your good news and your wedding planning – so much can change in a year (or a minute) and I'm so glad that you've continued to focus on the stars!  May you stay well and happy.


            Yes, life can change in a blink…in all sorts of ways.  May you continue to live large.  Celeste


              Today is my 4 year cancerversary as well, so I feel ya. The emotional roller coaster makes my head spin. I'm grateful and sad at the same time. But at the end of the day, we're still here and kicking!! We can only do the best we can with what we have. Every day is a blessing!!

              Health and happiness,



                Felt so surreal when my husband hit the one-year mark, too!! So much has changed! It feels like a lifetime and also like just yesterday we didn't have a care in the world.

                Cancer also led to a wedding for my husband and me! Funny how the worst thing ever can also lead to really happy, big occasions.

                I hope you and your love have a wonderful day and may all your PET scans be uneventful!!


                  My sympathies and congratulations; around here, they often go together. Wishing you years and years of stargazing.


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