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        Thank You both..  I will check it out the blog, and read other posts on this site. 

         I know the doctors will be able to answer my questions in full, but it's a long weekend, and the anxiety is driving me crazy.  I'm so frustrated with reading the statistics on outcomes.  I want to be realistic…but optimistic at the same time, and the more I read, the more frustrated I become.  I find very few stories about brain mets that are positive, and I'm glad to hear that there are still lots of hope despite the situation.

        He has several oncologists.  One that has handled his radiation, that has a PET Scan company sharing the same building.  This is how I believe we were able to get scheduled for an MRI in less than 24 hours from appointment, and then receive results the very next day. 

        His main oncologist that has handled his interferon and his on-going follow-ups works at Moffitt Cancer Center in Tampa, FL with the Melanoma Group one half day a week. 

        His surgeries have been mostly held at Moffitt, and after the last one he had, they said going forward all of his surgeries should be held here.  From research and from what I’ve been told by doctors, Moffitt is a great cancer center, especially for Melanoma.   We don’t know where the tumor is, or size, just that it has a lot of swelling that is impacting his muscle control of his left leg.  He started steroids this morning , hopefully it will  help him regain some muscle control, it’s very difficult for him to walk.


          Thank You both..  I will check it out the blog, and read other posts on this site. 

           I know the doctors will be able to answer my questions in full, but it's a long weekend, and the anxiety is driving me crazy.  I'm so frustrated with reading the statistics on outcomes.  I want to be realistic…but optimistic at the same time, and the more I read, the more frustrated I become.  I find very few stories about brain mets that are positive, and I'm glad to hear that there are still lots of hope despite the situation.

          He has several oncologists.  One that has handled his radiation, that has a PET Scan company sharing the same building.  This is how I believe we were able to get scheduled for an MRI in less than 24 hours from appointment, and then receive results the very next day. 

          His main oncologist that has handled his interferon and his on-going follow-ups works at Moffitt Cancer Center in Tampa, FL with the Melanoma Group one half day a week. 

          His surgeries have been mostly held at Moffitt, and after the last one he had, they said going forward all of his surgeries should be held here.  From research and from what I’ve been told by doctors, Moffitt is a great cancer center, especially for Melanoma.   We don’t know where the tumor is, or size, just that it has a lot of swelling that is impacting his muscle control of his left leg.  He started steroids this morning , hopefully it will  help him regain some muscle control, it’s very difficult for him to walk.


            Thank You both..  I will check it out the blog, and read other posts on this site. 

             I know the doctors will be able to answer my questions in full, but it's a long weekend, and the anxiety is driving me crazy.  I'm so frustrated with reading the statistics on outcomes.  I want to be realistic…but optimistic at the same time, and the more I read, the more frustrated I become.  I find very few stories about brain mets that are positive, and I'm glad to hear that there are still lots of hope despite the situation.

            He has several oncologists.  One that has handled his radiation, that has a PET Scan company sharing the same building.  This is how I believe we were able to get scheduled for an MRI in less than 24 hours from appointment, and then receive results the very next day. 

            His main oncologist that has handled his interferon and his on-going follow-ups works at Moffitt Cancer Center in Tampa, FL with the Melanoma Group one half day a week. 

            His surgeries have been mostly held at Moffitt, and after the last one he had, they said going forward all of his surgeries should be held here.  From research and from what I’ve been told by doctors, Moffitt is a great cancer center, especially for Melanoma.   We don’t know where the tumor is, or size, just that it has a lot of swelling that is impacting his muscle control of his left leg.  He started steroids this morning , hopefully it will  help him regain some muscle control, it’s very difficult for him to walk.

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