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In the summer of 2018, my mother had a melanoma mole removed. We started a course of interferon.

In March 2019, a metastasis was found in 2 lymph nodes near the left armpit. They were removed, after two months my mother began with Opdivo. The course lasted 10 months (twice a month), but it was interrupted in March 2020 due to a lack of medicine in the city.

Since March 2019, all PET / CT scans have been clean. However, in March 2021, 4 distant mts were found on the scans:

– 1 in the root lymph node of the lung (1.5×1.4sm, SUVmax 5.4)

– 2 in soft tissues (1×0.9sm, SUVmax 3.8 and 0.8×0.6sm, SUVmax 1.67)

– 1 in the ilium (1.1×0.9sm SUVmax 4.2)

Doctors are now considering treatment options. Most likely it will be an ipi / nivo combo.

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the patient's daughter

Initial Diagnosis Month


Initial Diagnosis Year


Stage at Diagnosis

Stage 2

Current Stage

Stage 4