The information on this site is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Content within the patient forum is user-generated and has not been reviewed by medical professionals. Other sections of the Melanoma Research Foundation website include information that has been reviewed by medical professionals as appropriate. All medical decisions should be made in consultation with your doctor or other qualified medical professional.


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9.2011 – feel raised ‘thing’ on scalp; biopsy mel; SNB neg; WLE clean margins; brain MRI neg; PET/CT neg – 2A
2.2012 – feel bump near initial scar; SNB (drained other side) neg; brain MRI neg; PET/CT neg; another WLE; 6 wks radiation
8.2013 – scan show 2.2 cm right upper lung; brain MRI neg. LDH only slightly elevated; removed via VATS; LDH right back to WNL; declined ipi/interferon trial; elect to ‘watch and wait’
10.2013 all scans, brain MRI neg; LDH normal
12.2013 – paratrach node lights up on scan; brain MRI neg; surgeon leery of removing due to likelihood of mel waiting to again rear it’s ugly head!find this out on Fri. 12.20 – can enroll in BMS ipi/nivo trial which closes recruitment Mon. 12.23…consent etc. faxed to local onc. sign papers…screening Jan 6….can’t recall trail #; 2/3 chance of getting into a nivo/ipi arm…if ipi only arm and progress, can cross over and get nivo – NERVOUS about scans, LDH etc.
I am a ‘young’ 60 y/o who e.g. hasn’t missed work due to illness in decades (unlike most of my friends!; genetic longevity runs in family; cardio exercise 40 – 60 minutes every day; strength stuff 2x/wk.
but alas, fair skinned; green-eyed, dirty blond/reddish hair with bad sunburns as child and young adult…

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Stage 4