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Sarah 2345

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      Sarah 2345

        Oh one more thing…. I got my pathology report back and it said the margins weee only 3mm! I called the doctor and he said he’d taken more than that but the skin can shrink before it gets to the lab!? I feel very nervous by this reply….I’m not convinced. 

        Sarah 2345

          Thank you both for your replies. They really help when I read them…. but I find after a short time the feelings come back and I get so scared. Being Christmas the kids are so excited and I’d been looking forward to these holidays so much. But I can’t snap out of it and I can’t stop the thoughts of what if this time next year I’m dealing with something much bigger. 

          I’m scared as I know how badly my skin has been damaged and I can’t believe my melanoma journey will stop here.

          I know it’s not healthy and I know it’s pointless aNfnk shouldn’t think this. And I feel bad as there are so many incredible people on this site who are dealing with so much worse than me. But I can’t stop thinking of my children and the pain they will be put through. 

          Anne- I’ve never heard that 99% statistic but it is positive. Do you know where you heard it? And are you getting 3 monthly checks still? 


          Thank you so much for taking the time to reply. 

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