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I started with a large mass in my right lung in May 2003 and had a right lobectomy to remove it. After a PET scan, it showed a mass in my left shoulder and left breast. I had surgical removal of both. I then had a CAT Scan to see how things were going and found another mass a month later again in my left shoulder. I had that one also removed surgically but while in the recovery room, the doc told me that he couldn’t remove it all and that it had spread in 4 weeks from my shoulder to all over my upper torso, At this point they had given me 6 months to live! Argh!!! I then decided to undergo IL2 treatment which worked and kept me in remission for approx. 1 1/2 years (1/04-4/05). I also had radiation to my left shoulder to try to get the remaining cancer that couldn’t be removed during the earlier surgery. In April 2005, I had a routine PET scan which showed my entire thyroid and 32 surrounding lymph nodes infected with Melanoma!!! I quicly scheduled to have it all surgically removed. Then, in October 2005, my PET scan showed that their were a few lymph nodes in my small intestines and again had them surgically removed. I have been CANCER FREE since October 2005!!! YEAH!!!!

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Stage at Diagnosis

Stage 4