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        That is great advice, it definitely has robbed me of all happy moments since I’ve been diagnosed. I just found out that my appointment on the 30th is not for surgery, it is for a consultation to see if I NEED surgery. The derm told me otherwise. Time is of the essence and this really annoys me 🙁
          Worrying non stop! It makes you think about everything!! Kids, spouse, family, living!! I will be on the site and will check in with any updates. I’m red headed, freckled with green eyes, should have known better..but awareness of Melanoma was certainly lacking sadly.
            Thank you so much for explaining. I only learned of the importance of the excisional biopsy after my shave was done. This is a lot to digest, I’m still wondering how they can tell it is Nodular Melanoma, I guess they can tell from the shave? She did shave kind of deep. I think I’m still in shock. God bless you all, the journey ahead will be hard, and I will fight.
              Thank you for replying, the only thing on the path report that even has the word borders in it, is the clinical history or description of my mole before it was shaved. Its described as having irregular borders.
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