Hi Kelly,
Thank you so much for replying!! I really appreciate all of the advice! We have also always used sunscreen with our kids and she even wears a swim shirt most of the time if she goes swimming or when we go to the beach because she has fair skin and can be sensitive to the sun. It sounds like you guys have a great team of specialists for your son! Do you happen to know what the other 4 centers are besides Boston? The shave biopsy was done by a dermatologist locally who sees adults and kids but thankfully we live near a great Children’s hospital. We found out that the Children’s hospital here recently opened a melanoma and nevus clinic and she has an appointment there later this week. We are hopeful that the Dr’s are knowledgable and experienced but I have no idea what to expect at the appointment or how to prepare our daughter for it. We have tried to make it not a big deal so she isn’t worried but she does know there is a possibility that they will need to do a larger biopsy and they will most likely look at all of her moles to check them out. Did your son have a shave biopsy first? If so, did they have to go back in to do a bigger biopsy? For kids do they typically do them in their office with local numbing like the shave biopsy or do they give them sedation or anything? What is the healing like if they need to do a larger biopsy and what made them decide that they needed to remove lymph nodes? Sorry for all of the questions!! Thank you!!