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        Let me clarify, from what I understand because Yervoy is out patient we cant even keep him at the nursing facility that is right down the street from us where he was getting  therapy.  He was able to get in there because he had the first treatment in the hospital out patient facility.  The Hospital Discharged him that day to the lower out patient ward then gave him the treatment as an out patient.  But I dont see how we can keep him in the nursing facility because it would mean discharging him everytime he gets a treatment and then having to re admit him I think. Heck I was just told that he had to be dicharged before his second treatment.


          Let me clarify, from what I understand because Yervoy is out patient we cant even keep him at the nursing facility that is right down the street from us where he was getting  therapy.  He was able to get in there because he had the first treatment in the hospital out patient facility.  The Hospital Discharged him that day to the lower out patient ward then gave him the treatment as an out patient.  But I dont see how we can keep him in the nursing facility because it would mean discharging him everytime he gets a treatment and then having to re admit him I think. Heck I was just told that he had to be dicharged before his second treatment.


            Let me clarify, from what I understand because Yervoy is out patient we cant even keep him at the nursing facility that is right down the street from us where he was getting  therapy.  He was able to get in there because he had the first treatment in the hospital out patient facility.  The Hospital Discharged him that day to the lower out patient ward then gave him the treatment as an out patient.  But I dont see how we can keep him in the nursing facility because it would mean discharging him everytime he gets a treatment and then having to re admit him I think. Heck I was just told that he had to be dicharged before his second treatment.


              yes he has only had one infusion.  Everything for us right now is unraveling.  it is just so demoralizing because we have no way to care for him at home, the doc says the yervoy wont make a difference, we thought he was getting better, and he then suddenly took a turn for the worse. It is just so disheartning. I want to do all that I can, but I also dont want to put him through living basically like an invilid because that is for the most part how he is now.  I want him better, It is just so hard to through the fog of confusion and being scared and not know what to do or how to handle this.


                yes he has only had one infusion.  Everything for us right now is unraveling.  it is just so demoralizing because we have no way to care for him at home, the doc says the yervoy wont make a difference, we thought he was getting better, and he then suddenly took a turn for the worse. It is just so disheartning. I want to do all that I can, but I also dont want to put him through living basically like an invilid because that is for the most part how he is now.  I want him better, It is just so hard to through the fog of confusion and being scared and not know what to do or how to handle this.


                  yes he has only had one infusion.  Everything for us right now is unraveling.  it is just so demoralizing because we have no way to care for him at home, the doc says the yervoy wont make a difference, we thought he was getting better, and he then suddenly took a turn for the worse. It is just so disheartning. I want to do all that I can, but I also dont want to put him through living basically like an invilid because that is for the most part how he is now.  I want him better, It is just so hard to through the fog of confusion and being scared and not know what to do or how to handle this.

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