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        I share your anxiety over "stable."  My Dad (Stage IV, lung, liver, and spine) has had four treatments of Ipi / Yervoy.  After his third treatment they found approximately 30% shrinkage in his tumors.  He JUST got scan results about an hour ago during treatment #4, and the doctors just said everything is "stable" and that there might have been a small amount of growth on his lungs but they couldn't tell for sure.


        The great news after his 3rd scan raised our expectations for this one, so we are all feeling deflated and concerned.  Does this mean it has stopped working?  Should we expect growth at the next scan? Does Ipi ever "pause" in shrinking tumors and then start back up?  


        Would love to hear any others' experiences and Nancy would appreciate any additional notes you might be able to share.  Dad doesn't go back for his next scan until April, and the doctor doesn't really offer up a lot of detail or opinion on what he is seeing other than a vague "looks good." The absence of detail and explanation makes my head spin!


          I share your anxiety over "stable."  My Dad (Stage IV, lung, liver, and spine) has had four treatments of Ipi / Yervoy.  After his third treatment they found approximately 30% shrinkage in his tumors.  He JUST got scan results about an hour ago during treatment #4, and the doctors just said everything is "stable" and that there might have been a small amount of growth on his lungs but they couldn't tell for sure.


          The great news after his 3rd scan raised our expectations for this one, so we are all feeling deflated and concerned.  Does this mean it has stopped working?  Should we expect growth at the next scan? Does Ipi ever "pause" in shrinking tumors and then start back up?  


          Would love to hear any others' experiences and Nancy would appreciate any additional notes you might be able to share.  Dad doesn't go back for his next scan until April, and the doctor doesn't really offer up a lot of detail or opinion on what he is seeing other than a vague "looks good." The absence of detail and explanation makes my head spin!


            I share your anxiety over "stable."  My Dad (Stage IV, lung, liver, and spine) has had four treatments of Ipi / Yervoy.  After his third treatment they found approximately 30% shrinkage in his tumors.  He JUST got scan results about an hour ago during treatment #4, and the doctors just said everything is "stable" and that there might have been a small amount of growth on his lungs but they couldn't tell for sure.


            The great news after his 3rd scan raised our expectations for this one, so we are all feeling deflated and concerned.  Does this mean it has stopped working?  Should we expect growth at the next scan? Does Ipi ever "pause" in shrinking tumors and then start back up?  


            Would love to hear any others' experiences and Nancy would appreciate any additional notes you might be able to share.  Dad doesn't go back for his next scan until April, and the doctor doesn't really offer up a lot of detail or opinion on what he is seeing other than a vague "looks good." The absence of detail and explanation makes my head spin!


              Hi Melissa,

              Thanks for your note.  So the neuropathy symptoms worsened months after the treatment ended?  We will look into Gabapentin.  Dad fell down a small hill yesterday it was his second incident in two days so these are some heavy duty side effects.  Just hoping and praying they can be managed and aren't directly from the cancer.  If the IPI works it will be worth it!

              Best to you and your husband as well.


                Hi Melissa,

                Thanks for your note.  So the neuropathy symptoms worsened months after the treatment ended?  We will look into Gabapentin.  Dad fell down a small hill yesterday it was his second incident in two days so these are some heavy duty side effects.  Just hoping and praying they can be managed and aren't directly from the cancer.  If the IPI works it will be worth it!

                Best to you and your husband as well.


                  Hi Melissa,

                  Thanks for your note.  So the neuropathy symptoms worsened months after the treatment ended?  We will look into Gabapentin.  Dad fell down a small hill yesterday it was his second incident in two days so these are some heavy duty side effects.  Just hoping and praying they can be managed and aren't directly from the cancer.  If the IPI works it will be worth it!

                  Best to you and your husband as well.

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