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Turning Off an iPhone 14


The most recent version of Apple’s renowned smartphone is the stylish, feature-rich iPhone 14. There may be moments when you need to fully shut off this new device, as thrilling as it is to discover every feature. We can show you how to turn off your iPhone 14 if you’re unsure how to do so. By carefully following the step-by-step instructions in this tutorial, you can switch off your iPhone 14 at any time.


First, locate the power button.

The power button on the iPhone 14 is often found on the right side of the phone. The device might or might not be used as a fingerprint sensor as well. Before moving on, be sure you know where this button is.


Step 2: Hold the power button while pressing it.

Press and hold the power button to start the power-off process. The “slide to power off” option might not show up on your screen right away. Keep pushing the button as you wait for the slider to display.


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