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Hello everyone
Just thought i would share my husbands story with you all. We really dont know what to expect, this is all still so new tu us.
Let me begin by saying.. My husband has always been pretty healthy. I can honestly say i have only seen him come down with any kind of illness about 3 or 4 times in 7 years! Well it all started about 6 years ago he developed a colorless callus on his left inner heel. He noticed it growing and did get it checked out 2 different times. Drs just ordered x-rays and said it was a callus that could be caused by his work boots ( Hes a cement worker.) so years past by and the “callus” kept growing and started to bleed and have a smelly discharge. This is when started to get worried. My husband was always self conscious about this “callus” and would NEVER let me see it!!! it was always covered with neosporin and a bandaid!
So fast foward to march 2011. A dermotologist did a biopsy and on april 18 he was diagnosed with melanoma. We were told that amputation was most likely going to be the plan of care. Later that day i recieved a call from another dermatologist who explained the disease to me & advised me to begin making funeral arrangements and prepare his will !!!!! ofcourse i broke down, i was still in shock… But i managed to put on a straight face.. I had to! We have a 4 year old daughter who i refuse to raise on my own!!!! shes daddys little girl & hes my other half. I wasnt about to start planning a funeral for my 26 year old husband!!!! So the next step we talked to an oncologist who answered some of our questions, referred us to a surgeon, & Ordered a CT scan. The ct scan came back normal, But it wasnt until later when i requested records where i read about an abnormal ct scan “lung nodule” I dont think theres anything normal about that! I asked the Dr to explain the ct scan and she said sometimes these nodules arent cancerous. Is this trueeee?!?!? well she wants to repeat the ct scan in november.
On May 24th my husband Miguel had a wide local excision and a sentinal lymph node biopsy. His wound On his left heel was left opened and hes got a wound vac over it. A nurse comes out 3 times a week for dressing changes. He didnt tolerate the negative pressure vac very well, the dressing changes were especially painful. Ive never in my life seen a man in so much pain before!!
We went back to the surgeons for his weekly checkup where the pathology report was given to us. It came back he had a breslow thickness of 19mm & clark level V. The margins were free of cancer so that was a relief.. Atleast his foot can b saved!! Although Melanoma cells were found in 2 of 3 lymph nodes. From what ive read this is not good at all, but i believe in GOD and nothing is impossible for him. The next step is his lymph node dissection which is scheduled for the 21st or the 1st, whichever date is available. Hes also going to have reconstruction surgery on his heel the same day. Im hoping for the best!
[[I am a 23 year old female. My husband who was recently diagnosed with melanoma in April 2011, will be turning 27 in october. We have been together since i was 16. We have a 4 year old daughter named Celeste. Currently live in Houston,Tx. ]]