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5 Surprising Health Benefits of Playing Video Games
Let’s talk about how video games can actually have positive effects on our health. Despite the negative stigma that surrounds video games, statistics and studies have shown that they can be beneficial in various ways. In this article, we will explore some of the ways video games can positively impact our health.
1. Video games can make for better surgeons
Yes, you read that right. Playing video games might actually make for better surgeons. A study conducted on laparoscopic specialists found that those who played video games for more than three hours per week made 32% fewer errors during practice procedures compared to their non-gaming counterparts. So, it turns out that playing video games can help develop the hand-eye coordination and precision needed for delicate surgeries.
2. Video games can help people with dyslexia
Attention difficulties are often a key component of dyslexia. Research shows that people with dyslexia can improve their reading comprehension by playing video games heavy on action. This is because the games have constantly changing environments that require intense focus. Therefore, video games can potentially help those with dyslexia improve their attention span and reading skills.
3. Video games can improve your vision
We’ve all heard the old parental refrain, “Don’t sit too close to the television.” However, studies show that moderate video game play can actually improve your vision. One study found that 10 weeks of play was associated with a greater ability to discern between different shades of gray. Another study had participants play games using only their “lazy” eye, with the “good” one obscured. The players showed significant improvement in the affected eye.
4. Video games can improve your leadership skills
Certain genres of video games reward and encourage leadership traits, such as providing for “communities” and securing their safety. Researchers have noted that players can display a correlating motivation in their real-world career goals. Improvising in a game can also translate into being faster on your feet when an office crisis crops up. So, playing video games can help develop leadership and problem-solving skills that can be useful in real life situations.
5. Video games can pique your interest in history
Many video games use actual historical events to drive their stories. These characters and places can spark a child’s interest in discovering more about the culture they’re immersed in. Researchers have found that video games can make children more interested in history and can potentially inspire them to learn more about it.
Video games can positively impact our health in various ways. From improving hand-eye coordination to developing leadership skills, playing video games can have more benefits than we realize. However, it’s important to remember that like with everything else, moderation is key. Too much of anything can be harmful.

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