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Hi I would like to introduce you to an essential document that plays a crucial role in the employment landscape of many countries, including the United Arab Emirates. I present to you the Labour Card.

The Labour Card, also known as the Work Permit, is an official document issued by the Ministry of Human Resources and Emiratisation (MOHRE) in the UAE. This card serves as proof that an individual is legally employed in the country and is an integral part of their work authorization.

The Labour Card contains vital information about the cardholder, including their full name, passport or identification number, occupation, and the name of their employer. It acts as an identification document in the workplace and plays a significant role in various employment-related matters.

Obtaining a Labour Card is a mandatory requirement for all employees working in the UAE, irrespective of their nationality or occupation. It ensures that individuals are legally employed and protected under the UAE’s labor laws. The card is typically processed and issued by the employer, who takes responsibility for the employee’s work permit.

Having a valid Labour Card provides employees with a sense of security and allows them to enjoy the benefits and protections granted by the UAE’s labor regulations. It also enables individuals to access various governmental services, such as opening bank accounts, obtaining visas for family members, and participating in social security programs.

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Stage 1