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Zelboraf, after the quick result from Keytruda and Tomotherapy

Forums General Melanoma Community Zelboraf, after the quick result from Keytruda and Tomotherapy

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    Lin P
      First of all, I apologize my poor English. I am not a native English speaker but doing my best.
      I am here for my mom.
      She is 50yrs old Asian woman and was diagnosed with Melanoma stage III on Christmas eve in 2015. Its undesectable because it's right next to bunch of blood vessels in her neck.
      My mom actually visited a dermatology about 10years ago suspecting a rash on the back of her neck is melanoma. But the doctor said it's just not melanoma, and simply removed it with a laser. Now, 10 years later, it turned out that was melanoma.
      Now our goal has been to reduce the amount and size of the tumors on her neck lymph nodes so she can undergo an surgical operation.
      <The path we have followed – from Jan 2016 to March 2016>
      1. She was on a little bit lower doses of Keytruda for the first 6 weeks
         – Keytruda worked really well. 
      2. She got 24times of tomotherapy done after Keytruda for 5 weeks. its been only 2 weeks since the last tomotherapy and we are still waiting for the final result.
      So as the result of Keytruda and tomotherapy, about 80% of the tumors are gone (in 6weeks)
      3. Her oncologist said Keytruda may no longer work because the cancer tissues left are too dense. She recommanded my mom to switch to Zelboraf for a month and see if it works. So my mom is now on Zelboraf(10 days so far) and If it works well she will probably be able to have surgical operation.
      Because melanoma is very rare and unfamiliar disease in my country, there is no many highly experienced doctors, no much reading material available for patients, and no patients forum like this.
      I've been translating the posts into my language when I have free time so my mom can read and feel she is not fighting alone. We are inpired and learning a lot here on MRF. So thank you all 🙂
      I will keep undating on this thread.
      I wish you and your family all the best.
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    • Replies
        sister of patient

          Hi Lin,

          I think you are doing an amazing job with the interpretation of all the clinical information you are receiving – since joining this board I've realized that melanoma comes with a 'language' all its own, so "hats off to you."

          Secondly, the news of your mother's response to Keytruda is really encouraging!! I hope the new drug does amazing things too and she gets to where she's ready for surgery asap.!! Please do report her progress!

          Wishing you both the best!








            Lin P
              Thank you for the kind words. Anyone would do the same as far as their family is concerned.
              The Oncologist also said my mom is showing exceptional result though there are not many clinical outcomes yet. Still it's a question why she wouldn't try more Keytruda on my mom after just three times of injection and switch while it is having an effect.
              I will keep updating her progress!
              I wish you and your family all the best, too.
              Lin P
                Thank you for the kind words. Anyone would do the same as far as their family is concerned.
                The Oncologist also said my mom is showing exceptional result though there are not many clinical outcomes yet. Still it's a question why she wouldn't try more Keytruda on my mom after just three times of injection and switch while it is having an effect.
                I will keep updating her progress!
                I wish you and your family all the best, too.
                Lin P
                  Thank you for the kind words. Anyone would do the same as far as their family is concerned.
                  The Oncologist also said my mom is showing exceptional result though there are not many clinical outcomes yet. Still it's a question why she wouldn't try more Keytruda on my mom after just three times of injection and switch while it is having an effect.
                  I will keep updating her progress!
                  I wish you and your family all the best, too.
                sister of patient

                  Hi Lin,

                  I think you are doing an amazing job with the interpretation of all the clinical information you are receiving – since joining this board I've realized that melanoma comes with a 'language' all its own, so "hats off to you."

                  Secondly, the news of your mother's response to Keytruda is really encouraging!! I hope the new drug does amazing things too and she gets to where she's ready for surgery asap.!! Please do report her progress!

                  Wishing you both the best!








                  sister of patient

                    Hi Lin,

                    I think you are doing an amazing job with the interpretation of all the clinical information you are receiving – since joining this board I've realized that melanoma comes with a 'language' all its own, so "hats off to you."

                    Secondly, the news of your mother's response to Keytruda is really encouraging!! I hope the new drug does amazing things too and she gets to where she's ready for surgery asap.!! Please do report her progress!

                    Wishing you both the best!








                    Lin P

                      If anyone knows what is good for join pain from Zelboraf, could you please give me some advices?

                      I'd appreciate it very much.

                      Lin P

                        If anyone knows what is good for join pain from Zelboraf, could you please give me some advices?

                        I'd appreciate it very much.

                        Lin P

                          If anyone knows what is good for join pain from Zelboraf, could you please give me some advices?

                          I'd appreciate it very much.


                            Lin, the MPIP forum is a great place but I would also suggest using the forum on Melanoma International Foundation .   You might get information about treatments available in different countries.    Wishing the best to you and your mom.      Fen 

                              Lin P

                                Thank you, Fen! It is a great help ☺️

                                Lin P

                                  Thank you, Fen! It is a great help ☺️

                                  Lin P

                                    Thank you, Fen! It is a great help ☺️


                                    Lin, the MPIP forum is a great place but I would also suggest using the forum on Melanoma International Foundation .   You might get information about treatments available in different countries.    Wishing the best to you and your mom.      Fen 


                                      Lin, the MPIP forum is a great place but I would also suggest using the forum on Melanoma International Foundation .   You might get information about treatments available in different countries.    Wishing the best to you and your mom.      Fen 

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