The information on this site is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Content within the patient forum is user-generated and has not been reviewed by medical professionals. Other sections of the Melanoma Research Foundation website include information that has been reviewed by medical professionals as appropriate. All medical decisions should be made in consultation with your doctor or other qualified medical professional.


  • Post
    Mickey n Jo

      My husbands Pet/Ct results from Thursday, Feb. 14 were not what we were hoping for.  The majority of hypermetabolic soft tissue nodules and lymph nodes have increased slightly in size, but the intensity of the hypermetabolic activity has not changed.  Also multiple small enhancing lesions in the brain have been detected which are highly suspicious for brain mets. He is having a brain MRI on Friday, Feb. 22.  His melanoma specialist recommends staying on Zel, 3 and 3, until we get the results of the MRI.

      My husbands Pet/Ct results from Thursday, Feb. 14 were not what we were hoping for.  The majority of hypermetabolic soft tissue nodules and lymph nodes have increased slightly in size, but the intensity of the hypermetabolic activity has not changed.  Also multiple small enhancing lesions in the brain have been detected which are highly suspicious for brain mets. He is having a brain MRI on Friday, Feb. 22.  His melanoma specialist recommends staying on Zel, 3 and 3, until we get the results of the MRI. She feels that Zel is still keeping mets in his body in check for now.  Depending on the results of the MRI, the next step will probably be radiation. I'm not sure if that means WBR or Gamma Knife. I thought that Gamma Knife wouldn't be an option for multiple lesions. Is that correct or not? Forgive me, but I'm a little confused and upset right now. Trying to keep a PMA, but sometimes it's really hard. Any info you could give us would be greatly appreciated. We value your input a lot.



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    • Replies

          My husband had gamma knife four times for very small mets 7 first time, 6 next, 10 two weeks ago 10 today hes doing pretty good. Good luck pray pray pray. God Bless

            Mickey n Jo

              Thank you so much for your encouragement, and thanks for the info about gamma knife. It's just so hard sometimes, because as a wife and caregiver, you feel like you should be doing something more and not feel so helpless. I do pray though, a LOT!  Good luck to you and your husband too.


              Mickey n Jo

                Thank you so much for your encouragement, and thanks for the info about gamma knife. It's just so hard sometimes, because as a wife and caregiver, you feel like you should be doing something more and not feel so helpless. I do pray though, a LOT!  Good luck to you and your husband too.


                Mickey n Jo

                  Thank you so much for your encouragement, and thanks for the info about gamma knife. It's just so hard sometimes, because as a wife and caregiver, you feel like you should be doing something more and not feel so helpless. I do pray though, a LOT!  Good luck to you and your husband too.



                  My husband had gamma knife four times for very small mets 7 first time, 6 next, 10 two weeks ago 10 today hes doing pretty good. Good luck pray pray pray. God Bless


                    My husband had gamma knife four times for very small mets 7 first time, 6 next, 10 two weeks ago 10 today hes doing pretty good. Good luck pray pray pray. God Bless


                      Best of luck to you and your family….My thoughts are with you.  You are in good hands wth Dr. Pavlik.

                      We have a lot in common and thought I would just send my regards for fellow NY'er/SI. and former pt.


                        Best of luck to you and your family….My thoughts are with you.  You are in good hands wth Dr. Pavlik.

                        We have a lot in common and thought I would just send my regards for fellow NY'er/SI. and former pt.


                          Best of luck to you and your family….My thoughts are with you.  You are in good hands wth Dr. Pavlik.

                          We have a lot in common and thought I would just send my regards for fellow NY'er/SI. and former pt.

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