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Turn around time for Biopsy/Treatment

Forums General Melanoma Community Turn around time for Biopsy/Treatment

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      I was diagnosed with melanoma in situ on Wednesday casually over the phone by a Dr. at my assigned VA clinic. Today I went to my appointment with the Dermatology nurse practitioner who said that my biopsy was sent to the east coast (I live in CA) for further testing and that it could take up to 4 weeks to get the results. She also sent a referral to a general surgeon and that referral at minimum won’t be reviewed until next Wednesday by a Dr. Considering that my original biopsy was done on august 6th, is it normal that it is taking so long? I cant even see an actual dermatology Dr. until Sept 9th (the dr. is a resident at the clinic).

      I am considering registering with a different VA district because the quality of care feels so poor. Do these turn around times seem normal and should a course of action been explained to me?

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    • Replies
          Hi, Timothy! So I had a biopsy done on July 18, 2019 and the results were given to me over the phone about one week later by a private clinic in NorCal. I wanted a second opinion so I went to Stanford Redwood City Clinic.
          I saw a dermatologist who specializes in Mohs Surgery . It took about one week for Stanford to get the slides and then about ten days for them to read the slides. That being said, a consensus committee of four histopathologists read my biopsy slides and agreed with the diagnosis of melanoma inSitu. My melanoma is on my nose which is a lousy location so I wanted another set of eyes and I ended up getting 4 sets!
          I don’t know the location nor the size of your melanoma. Maybe you could ask the nurse practitioner where they are sending the slides for confirmation? Maybe that information would help you. And perhaps a group of docs will examine your slides too. I am having my surgery this Wednesday. I am dreading it but I know I made the right decision. Go ahead and ask your current team your questions & concerns. I hope my story
          helps you. Good luck to you!
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