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Forums Cutaneous Melanoma Community Symptoms

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      Hi there everyone, I have been having some symptoms and was wondering what you guys think. I am a sophomore in college and have not had any previous cancer history. Both of my parents do have many freckles and moles though. I also have multiple moles and freckles on my body. Probably around 50 per arm or so. My first symptom was two moles on my neck raised and were a little itchy. I didn’t know why they were like that so I just picked at them until they were down to their normal size (I know, I shouldn’t have done that). A month to a month and a half later I started bruising very easily. I would wake up and have 4-10 bruises between my arms and legs that I did not know where they came from. Then two moles on my right arm raised and became inflamed a couple weeks ago so I watched them closely. When I touched, them they were more sensitive than my other ones. They were red around the mole too. After two days, mole number one started to have a dark brown spot that covered about 20% of the mole. The two moles then began to form a scab. I made sure not to touch or pick at them but after about 3 days, mole number one was fully a scab and mole number two was about half a scab, and half still the mole. I went to see a doctor on campus and she thought I was just picking at my arm in my sleep (very unlikely) and she picked off the scab. Under the scab was not a mole anymore! It was like the mole just fell off. The doctor then found a mole on my back that was brown but had a black spot in the center. She was concerned about that one more than the ones on my arm. Besides the bruises and the scabbing of the moles, I feel normal. I was wondering what you guys think this could be. Thank you so much for your help!

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        Hi Katelyn,

        If you can please go to the doctor and have these checked.  I'm certainly not qualified to help you out.  I will tell you that I had my suspicious mole removed when I was in my late twenties.  If you are worried enough to post in this forum then you should see a professional if you can.

        Take care,



            Thank you for your reply Jennifer, I will be seeing my doctor in about a week and a half. I just wanted some insight as to whether it could actually be melanoma or not. 


            Please go see a dermatologist.  Have the biopsies done if required, and keep us updated.  Get all the information you can from your doctor visits and come here to help sort out what you do not understand.  Good luck!




                Relax, I never had these symptoms for example. Still not sure what has caused me that kind of cancer. sad

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