The information on this site is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Content within the patient forum is user-generated and has not been reviewed by medical professionals. Other sections of the Melanoma Research Foundation website include information that has been reviewed by medical professionals as appropriate. All medical decisions should be made in consultation with your doctor or other qualified medical professional.

Subungual Melanoma questions and help

Forums Cutaneous Melanoma Community Subungual Melanoma questions and help

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      Hi everyone,  my name is Lyric and yes that is my real first name. I am 30 years old and I seem pretty healthy except for an issue I have going on with my index finger nail.


      About a year ago I noticed a small skinny pale light brown streak on my nail. The line is near the side of the nail and not the middle of my name. It runs from the cuticle to the end of the nail. And to be honest I use to smoke and had quit about a month before I noticed this discoloration of a line on my nail. So when I spotted this I thought it was nothing more than cigarette tar stain to my nail and it would slowly go away since I was smoke free.


      Six months went by and nothing changed. The small skinny light pale brown streak was in the same spot with no changes. My fiance kept telling me I was worrying over nothing and just to forget it and as you age your body changes. At the moment I went along with what she said but at times in the back of my head I didn't feel right about ignoring it. Kind of like it was my body telling me something or a possible warning. 


      Finally at about a year I got tired of looking at it and after several hours of non stop looking online the only thing I seen remotely was something called Subungual Melanoma. My fiance did her own research and it's all she could come up with as well. She grew a little worried by now and so did I.


      Next day I called my local clinic and doctor to get an appointment. I was able to see the doctor about an hour later. So the doctor looked at my index finger nail and was speechless. She said she had no idea in all her years of practice had she seen something like this. I mentioned to her what I found online and she left the room to do some searching. She came back and stated she had no idea and she called making a referral and appointment with a Dermatologist Clinic and Cancer Specialist next town over.


      I had to wait about a month before I went to see the dermatologist. Once the dermatologist looked at my fingernail she asked if I'd like to have a biopsy done that day or later and of course I chose now. So the dermotologist comes back and ssys she is doing a punch biopsy of my nail and the skin area below the nail which is where melanoma/whatever it is is. She does the punch biopsy and not to much discomfort. 


      Now I had to wait a couple weeks for the results of my biopsy. If I got a letter in the mail it was benign and if the called me it's malignant. Well today my results came by a phone call. But the RN says the results showed nothing but something is there and we need to figure out the cause of it. She said that this time I will be seeing the head main dermatologist next visit who will performing a deeper biopsy sample of the area. The RN stated they knew it was some type of melanonychia but don't know exactly why or what. So they don't know if it's benign or malignant or nothing. So now I have to do a second biopsy of the same spot and a little deeper. And now i gotta wait another month till my next biopsy. This concerns me a lot and has me extremely worried. My fiance keeps saying things will be alright but that people die young everyday – which this is not very helpful.


      Can anyone give their thoughts and opinions here? I'd really appreciate it a lot. If you know anything about, anyone who has been through or if you have been through this please let me know more information. I feel lost and kind of like it's a type of cancer that many doctors don't know about. Help please!!!


      BTW I have recently became a member also of Cancer Compass asking for help and thoughts. The people there have been really nice and I have had a couple replies but I would like to see thoughts and help also from those from site here. Please if you've have had experience, know someone who has or any information please let me know. I have included a couple pics as well of my index finger with the supposed issue. In the photo you will see the light pale brown line near the edge of my nail and you will also see where a recent punch biopsy was performed. As stated above that biopsy came back inconclusive and I have to now go in for a second biopsy which will be deeper. 

      I'm a 30 year old white male btw just to give a little idea of my age and race.

      I'm very terrified and scared. I have cried almost every day over  and can't imagine dying and leaving my two dogs and two cats. I can't imagine leaving my fiance as well who will not discuss or talk about it all. I have no family to talk to as I was adopted and have not talked with my adopted parents in over 10 years. I don't know my real parents and family so medical history and support is not there. I have no one to really turn to and I'm sorry for asking for help and support. But then again this could all come back benign but from what I've read one benign cases are more common in african american but with caucasian it's very rare and more possibly malignant. Plus the life expectancy is horrible. Help me with information or anything if you can.

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    • Replies

          Here are Flickr links to two photos of my finger



            Karyn Philibotte
              I too am in the same situation. My husband has a melanoychia on the thumb and they did the biopsy is the mosh office of the dermatologist. They were so matter of fact. We don’t know if it’s cancer or not. Been waiting 2 weeks for results when they said about a week. I’m a nervous wreck. Can’t eat or sleep. I keep reading how bad it could be.
              Anxiety is consuming me. I don’t know how you can handle another one after waiting and now husband has another in middl digit. of other hand.

              Here are Flickr links to two photos of my finger




                Here are Flickr links to two photos of my finger








                      Hi Lyric,

                      I had a similar condition, but not under a nail, and not on my hand…it was on my heel. Like you, I mistook the brown streak on my body to be nothing. I thought I had stepped on some grease in my garage. Unfortunately by the time I realized it was something sinister, it had progressed to a stage 2A level. I have since been treated and have been NED for over four years (no evidence of disease).

                      I wasn't able to open the photo links from my iPad, but what you have described sounds very, VERY suspicious. You need to be your best advocate…meaning that you need to push your healthcare providers for the fastest and most effective diagnostic and treatment efforts that they can provide. 

                      While you are going through this…try to focus on the positive. It doesn't do any good to think of "what if" scenarios. That just gets your stress level up, which doesn't help your body's natural healing capability.

                      If you do have malignant melanoma, it is survivable, but the best thing you can do for yourself is to be treated as early as possible. Time can be your best friend or your worst enemy…when it comes to the big C. 

                      I wish you all the best!

                      Keep us posted on your progress.

                      Take care,

                      Mark from California

                      Marianne quinn

                        Check out ny posts. My husband was diagnosed with subungal melanoma. He waited way too long for diagnosis so I am glad you are taking charge now. We are in California also


                          I just finished going through your post and I'm sorry to read what you've been going through. I'm praying for the best and trying not to worry. I found the streak on my finger about a little over a year ago, is this to long of a wait? I know no one knows just wondering what you may think. How long would a person have to have put this off to spread this bad? Like I said I've had this for a little over a year, do you think I could have waited to long? Not that your a doctor but just your opinion. 


                            I just finished going through your post and I'm sorry to read what you've been going through. I'm praying for the best and trying not to worry. I found the streak on my finger about a little over a year ago, is this to long of a wait? I know no one knows just wondering what you may think. How long would a person have to have put this off to spread this bad? Like I said I've had this for a little over a year, do you think I could have waited to long? Not that your a doctor but just your opinion. 


                              I just finished going through your post and I'm sorry to read what you've been going through. I'm praying for the best and trying not to worry. I found the streak on my finger about a little over a year ago, is this to long of a wait? I know no one knows just wondering what you may think. How long would a person have to have put this off to spread this bad? Like I said I've had this for a little over a year, do you think I could have waited to long? Not that your a doctor but just your opinion. 

                              Marianne quinn

                                Check out ny posts. My husband was diagnosed with subungal melanoma. He waited way too long for diagnosis so I am glad you are taking charge now. We are in California also

                                Marianne quinn

                                  Check out ny posts. My husband was diagnosed with subungal melanoma. He waited way too long for diagnosis so I am glad you are taking charge now. We are in California also


                                    Thank you Mike 🙂 your words helped bring my soul up 🙂


                                      Sorry I meant Mark 🙂


                                        Sorry I meant Mark 🙂


                                          Sorry I meant Mark 🙂


                                            Thank you Mike 🙂 your words helped bring my soul up 🙂


                                              Thank you Mike 🙂 your words helped bring my soul up 🙂


                                                Hi Lyric,

                                                I had a similar condition, but not under a nail, and not on my hand…it was on my heel. Like you, I mistook the brown streak on my body to be nothing. I thought I had stepped on some grease in my garage. Unfortunately by the time I realized it was something sinister, it had progressed to a stage 2A level. I have since been treated and have been NED for over four years (no evidence of disease).

                                                I wasn't able to open the photo links from my iPad, but what you have described sounds very, VERY suspicious. You need to be your best advocate…meaning that you need to push your healthcare providers for the fastest and most effective diagnostic and treatment efforts that they can provide. 

                                                While you are going through this…try to focus on the positive. It doesn't do any good to think of "what if" scenarios. That just gets your stress level up, which doesn't help your body's natural healing capability.

                                                If you do have malignant melanoma, it is survivable, but the best thing you can do for yourself is to be treated as early as possible. Time can be your best friend or your worst enemy…when it comes to the big C. 

                                                I wish you all the best!

                                                Keep us posted on your progress.

                                                Take care,

                                                Mark from California


                                                  Hi Lyric,

                                                  I had a similar condition, but not under a nail, and not on my hand…it was on my heel. Like you, I mistook the brown streak on my body to be nothing. I thought I had stepped on some grease in my garage. Unfortunately by the time I realized it was something sinister, it had progressed to a stage 2A level. I have since been treated and have been NED for over four years (no evidence of disease).

                                                  I wasn't able to open the photo links from my iPad, but what you have described sounds very, VERY suspicious. You need to be your best advocate…meaning that you need to push your healthcare providers for the fastest and most effective diagnostic and treatment efforts that they can provide. 

                                                  While you are going through this…try to focus on the positive. It doesn't do any good to think of "what if" scenarios. That just gets your stress level up, which doesn't help your body's natural healing capability.

                                                  If you do have malignant melanoma, it is survivable, but the best thing you can do for yourself is to be treated as early as possible. Time can be your best friend or your worst enemy…when it comes to the big C. 

                                                  I wish you all the best!

                                                  Keep us posted on your progress.

                                                  Take care,

                                                  Mark from California

                                                  I've had this line on my left hand's thumb for years and it has never changed, might have gotten a bit darker if anything. But now MY BIG TOE HAS SOMETHING TOO and I'm concerned!  

                                                  Should I get it look at? Thx so much 

                                                  Pictures here: 



                                                  I've had this line on my left hand's thumb for years and it has never changed, might have gotten a bit darker if anything. But now MY BIG TOE HAS SOMETHING TOO and I'm concerned!  

                                                  Should I get it look at? Thx so much 

                                                  Pictures here: 












                                                      Check out

                                                      Acral-lentiginous melanoma | Primary Care Dermatology

                                                      Jan 9, 2012 – Acral-lentiginous melanoma is a type of melanoma characterised by its site of … acral-lentiginous melanoma (including subungual melanoma).

                                                      What is acral lentiginous melanoma ?

                                                      Acral lentiginous melanoma is a form of melanoma characterised by its site of origin: palm, sole, or beneath the nail (subungual melanoma). It is more common on feet than on hands. It can arise de novo in normal-appearing skin, or it can develop within an existing melanocytic naevus (mole).

                                                      You may find more info by looking up  "Acral lentigimous melanoma."

                                                      It should be checked for having the C-kit oncoprotein overexpression and if posittive the c-kit DNA mutation test should be done.


                                                          i have been essentially stable on Gleevec a c-kit targeted chemo for over 5 years now and I went to the Stage Iv level in Feb 2007 after being mis-diagnosed by my GP
                                                           for 3 1/2 years.




                                                            The most salient features of subungual melanoma can be summarized according to the newly devised criteria that may be categorized under the first letters of the alphabet, namely ABCDEF of subungual melanoma. In this system A stands for a ge (peak incidence being in the 5th to 7th decades of life and African Americans, Asians, and native Americans in whom subungual melanoma accounts for up to one third of all melanoma cases. B stands for brown to black b and with breadth of 3 mm or more and variegated borders. C stands for change in the nail band or lack of change in the nail morphology despite, presumably, adequate treatment. D stands for the digit most commonly involved; E stands for extension of the pigment onto the proximal and/or lateral nailfold (ie, Hutchinson's sign); and F stands for family or personal history of dysplastic nevus or melanoma.


                                                            Although each letter of the alphabet of subungual melanoma is important, one must use all the letters together to improve early detection and thus survival of subungual melanoma. Still, as with cutaneous melanoma, the absolute diagnosis of subungual melanoma is made by means of a biopsy.



                                                              The most salient features of subungual melanoma can be summarized according to the newly devised criteria that may be categorized under the first letters of the alphabet, namely ABCDEF of subungual melanoma. In this system A stands for a ge (peak incidence being in the 5th to 7th decades of life and African Americans, Asians, and native Americans in whom subungual melanoma accounts for up to one third of all melanoma cases. B stands for brown to black b and with breadth of 3 mm or more and variegated borders. C stands for change in the nail band or lack of change in the nail morphology despite, presumably, adequate treatment. D stands for the digit most commonly involved; E stands for extension of the pigment onto the proximal and/or lateral nailfold (ie, Hutchinson's sign); and F stands for family or personal history of dysplastic nevus or melanoma.


                                                              Although each letter of the alphabet of subungual melanoma is important, one must use all the letters together to improve early detection and thus survival of subungual melanoma. Still, as with cutaneous melanoma, the absolute diagnosis of subungual melanoma is made by means of a biopsy.



                                                                The most salient features of subungual melanoma can be summarized according to the newly devised criteria that may be categorized under the first letters of the alphabet, namely ABCDEF of subungual melanoma. In this system A stands for a ge (peak incidence being in the 5th to 7th decades of life and African Americans, Asians, and native Americans in whom subungual melanoma accounts for up to one third of all melanoma cases. B stands for brown to black b and with breadth of 3 mm or more and variegated borders. C stands for change in the nail band or lack of change in the nail morphology despite, presumably, adequate treatment. D stands for the digit most commonly involved; E stands for extension of the pigment onto the proximal and/or lateral nailfold (ie, Hutchinson's sign); and F stands for family or personal history of dysplastic nevus or melanoma.


                                                                Although each letter of the alphabet of subungual melanoma is important, one must use all the letters together to improve early detection and thus survival of subungual melanoma. Still, as with cutaneous melanoma, the absolute diagnosis of subungual melanoma is made by means of a biopsy.


                                                                  Sorry to hear about your misdiagnosis. Pray and wish the best for you 🙂


                                                                    Sorry to hear about your misdiagnosis. Pray and wish the best for you 🙂


                                                                      Sorry to hear about your misdiagnosis. Pray and wish the best for you 🙂


                                                                        i have been essentially stable on Gleevec a c-kit targeted chemo for over 5 years now and I went to the Stage Iv level in Feb 2007 after being mis-diagnosed by my GP
                                                                         for 3 1/2 years.



                                                                          i have been essentially stable on Gleevec a c-kit targeted chemo for over 5 years now and I went to the Stage Iv level in Feb 2007 after being mis-diagnosed by my GP
                                                                           for 3 1/2 years.



                                                                            Thank you Jerry, I'll for sure try searching under those words 🙂


                                                                              Thank you Jerry, I'll for sure try searching under those words 🙂


                                                                                Thank you Jerry, I'll for sure try searching under those words 🙂


                                                                                Check out

                                                                                Acral-lentiginous melanoma | Primary Care Dermatology

                                                                                Jan 9, 2012 – Acral-lentiginous melanoma is a type of melanoma characterised by its site of … acral-lentiginous melanoma (including subungual melanoma).

                                                                                What is acral lentiginous melanoma ?

                                                                                Acral lentiginous melanoma is a form of melanoma characterised by its site of origin: palm, sole, or beneath the nail (subungual melanoma). It is more common on feet than on hands. It can arise de novo in normal-appearing skin, or it can develop within an existing melanocytic naevus (mole).

                                                                                You may find more info by looking up  "Acral lentigimous melanoma."

                                                                                It should be checked for having the C-kit oncoprotein overexpression and if posittive the c-kit DNA mutation test should be done.


                                                                                  Check out

                                                                                  Acral-lentiginous melanoma | Primary Care Dermatology

                                                                                  Jan 9, 2012 – Acral-lentiginous melanoma is a type of melanoma characterised by its site of … acral-lentiginous melanoma (including subungual melanoma).

                                                                                  What is acral lentiginous melanoma ?

                                                                                  Acral lentiginous melanoma is a form of melanoma characterised by its site of origin: palm, sole, or beneath the nail (subungual melanoma). It is more common on feet than on hands. It can arise de novo in normal-appearing skin, or it can develop within an existing melanocytic naevus (mole).

                                                                                  You may find more info by looking up  "Acral lentigimous melanoma."

                                                                                  It should be checked for having the C-kit oncoprotein overexpression and if posittive the c-kit DNA mutation test should be done.


                                                                                    Btw, as stated previously my dermatologist scheduled me for the next biopsy in a month from tomorrow when they called. Is this OK? I feel it's a little far out for dealing with this . I'm not sure if the dermatologist wanted to let my finger heal from the previous biopsy or if they are booked or what. I feel like kind of like I'm not being taken care of but then again I don't want to jump to conclusions. What do you guys think?



                                                                                        Hi Lyric,

                                                                                        I was able to view the photos you posted.

                                                                                        If I were you I would see if my insurance would allow me to go directly to a cancer center for a second biopsy and second opinion. I cannot imagine why the first biopsy was inconclusive, but It seems it was some kind of human error, which is why they are planning on having the next procedure done by the head Dermatologist. 

                                                                                        if this does turn out to be melanoma, the dermatologist will just refer you to a cancer center where you will have to schedule more appointments and waste more time waiting. Given the inconclusive first biopsy and very suspicious presentation…you should take matters into your own hands and take that next step yourself.

                                                                                        With my insurance, I had to first go to my primary care doctor, then get referred to a dermatologist, then get referred to a cancer center…so from my initial appointment to my actual treatment, two months had elapsed. 

                                                                                        Your next step is a call to your insurance company to get the authorization to take the step to be seen by a melanoma specialist at a cancer center for a second biopsy and second opinion. If they authorize it, they can help you select where you should be seen. Hopefully they can get you in for an office visit in less than a month. Be sure to tell them that your first appointment is for a second biopsy, otherwise they might make you schedule another appointment after the initial appointment…which is just more time that you don't want to wait.

                                                                                        Good luck Lyric (great name BTW).

                                                                                        Keep us posted on your progress.

                                                                                        Mark from California


                                                                                        Marianne quinn

                                                                                          My husband waited to go to the doctor for at least six months while his thumb was totally inflamed, bleeding, and painful. He is very stubborn. Part of the delay was that he had hit his thumb with a hammer( something he had done numerous times over the years). So I am glad you are taking care of it now. He does not have actual melanoma, but has a non description melanoma. He is braf  and c kit negative. I agree that you should advocate for an earlier biopsy and try to get to a melanoma specialist no matter what the path results are. Good luck and keep us posted. 


                                                                                            Thankfully I've had no bleeding, color change, pain or anything. 

                                                                                            Tomorrow I'm calling the dermatologist to push for a sooner date for the biopsy and if no luck I'll ask to referred to a cancer treatment place for the biopsy.

                                                                                            Thanks 🙂


                                                                                              Thankfully I've had no bleeding, color change, pain or anything. 

                                                                                              Tomorrow I'm calling the dermatologist to push for a sooner date for the biopsy and if no luck I'll ask to referred to a cancer treatment place for the biopsy.

                                                                                              Thanks 🙂


                                                                                                Thankfully I've had no bleeding, color change, pain or anything. 

                                                                                                Tomorrow I'm calling the dermatologist to push for a sooner date for the biopsy and if no luck I'll ask to referred to a cancer treatment place for the biopsy.

                                                                                                Thanks 🙂

                                                                                                Marianne quinn

                                                                                                  My husband waited to go to the doctor for at least six months while his thumb was totally inflamed, bleeding, and painful. He is very stubborn. Part of the delay was that he had hit his thumb with a hammer( something he had done numerous times over the years). So I am glad you are taking care of it now. He does not have actual melanoma, but has a non description melanoma. He is braf  and c kit negative. I agree that you should advocate for an earlier biopsy and try to get to a melanoma specialist no matter what the path results are. Good luck and keep us posted. 

                                                                                                  Marianne quinn

                                                                                                    My husband waited to go to the doctor for at least six months while his thumb was totally inflamed, bleeding, and painful. He is very stubborn. Part of the delay was that he had hit his thumb with a hammer( something he had done numerous times over the years). So I am glad you are taking care of it now. He does not have actual melanoma, but has a non description melanoma. He is braf  and c kit negative. I agree that you should advocate for an earlier biopsy and try to get to a melanoma specialist no matter what the path results are. Good luck and keep us posted. 


                                                                                                      I think with my insurance I have to have a referral as well. Tomorrow I'm calling the dermatologist to push for a sooner date. It worries me that they would push the next biopsy that far off. It's like they have no idea what hey are dealing with because if they did they wouldn't put it off another month. I'm saying this because off how quickly cancers like this can spread and that's if it is malignant or cancer period. 

                                                                                                      My dermatologist seems to act pretty confident that it's more than likely not cancerous and that things will be good. My fiance said the dermatologist said she had dealt with the same condition before and it's pretty much always benign if cancer and otherwise nothing big that can't be treated. I don't remember the dermatologist saying this but maybe it's because I was so nervous and in shock at the moment. I'm just wondering if waiting another month will really hurt me.

                                                                                                      Thanks for the comment on my name 🙂 I get lots of comment and smiles. Lol

                                                                                                      Btw I'm very interested in looking into Rick Simpson oil if it turns out bad. I've heard about mistletoe but it's only in trials at the moment unless a person wants to fly to Europe. I'd fly to Europe but don't want to unless it's really the fix.

                                                                                                      But I'm very interested in trying the Rick Simpson oil and my fiance has already mentioned if it comes down to it we could possibly move to Colorado. 

                                                                                                      This place does mistletoe therapy in America.


                                                                                                        I think with my insurance I have to have a referral as well. Tomorrow I'm calling the dermatologist to push for a sooner date. It worries me that they would push the next biopsy that far off. It's like they have no idea what hey are dealing with because if they did they wouldn't put it off another month. I'm saying this because off how quickly cancers like this can spread and that's if it is malignant or cancer period. 

                                                                                                        My dermatologist seems to act pretty confident that it's more than likely not cancerous and that things will be good. My fiance said the dermatologist said she had dealt with the same condition before and it's pretty much always benign if cancer and otherwise nothing big that can't be treated. I don't remember the dermatologist saying this but maybe it's because I was so nervous and in shock at the moment. I'm just wondering if waiting another month will really hurt me.

                                                                                                        Thanks for the comment on my name 🙂 I get lots of comment and smiles. Lol

                                                                                                        Btw I'm very interested in looking into Rick Simpson oil if it turns out bad. I've heard about mistletoe but it's only in trials at the moment unless a person wants to fly to Europe. I'd fly to Europe but don't want to unless it's really the fix.

                                                                                                        But I'm very interested in trying the Rick Simpson oil and my fiance has already mentioned if it comes down to it we could possibly move to Colorado. 

                                                                                                        This place does mistletoe therapy in America.


                                                                                                          I think with my insurance I have to have a referral as well. Tomorrow I'm calling the dermatologist to push for a sooner date. It worries me that they would push the next biopsy that far off. It's like they have no idea what hey are dealing with because if they did they wouldn't put it off another month. I'm saying this because off how quickly cancers like this can spread and that's if it is malignant or cancer period. 

                                                                                                          My dermatologist seems to act pretty confident that it's more than likely not cancerous and that things will be good. My fiance said the dermatologist said she had dealt with the same condition before and it's pretty much always benign if cancer and otherwise nothing big that can't be treated. I don't remember the dermatologist saying this but maybe it's because I was so nervous and in shock at the moment. I'm just wondering if waiting another month will really hurt me.

                                                                                                          Thanks for the comment on my name 🙂 I get lots of comment and smiles. Lol

                                                                                                          Btw I'm very interested in looking into Rick Simpson oil if it turns out bad. I've heard about mistletoe but it's only in trials at the moment unless a person wants to fly to Europe. I'd fly to Europe but don't want to unless it's really the fix.

                                                                                                          But I'm very interested in trying the Rick Simpson oil and my fiance has already mentioned if it comes down to it we could possibly move to Colorado. 

                                                                                                          This place does mistletoe therapy in America.



                                                                                                            Hi Lyric,

                                                                                                            I was able to view the photos you posted.

                                                                                                            If I were you I would see if my insurance would allow me to go directly to a cancer center for a second biopsy and second opinion. I cannot imagine why the first biopsy was inconclusive, but It seems it was some kind of human error, which is why they are planning on having the next procedure done by the head Dermatologist. 

                                                                                                            if this does turn out to be melanoma, the dermatologist will just refer you to a cancer center where you will have to schedule more appointments and waste more time waiting. Given the inconclusive first biopsy and very suspicious presentation…you should take matters into your own hands and take that next step yourself.

                                                                                                            With my insurance, I had to first go to my primary care doctor, then get referred to a dermatologist, then get referred to a cancer center…so from my initial appointment to my actual treatment, two months had elapsed. 

                                                                                                            Your next step is a call to your insurance company to get the authorization to take the step to be seen by a melanoma specialist at a cancer center for a second biopsy and second opinion. If they authorize it, they can help you select where you should be seen. Hopefully they can get you in for an office visit in less than a month. Be sure to tell them that your first appointment is for a second biopsy, otherwise they might make you schedule another appointment after the initial appointment…which is just more time that you don't want to wait.

                                                                                                            Good luck Lyric (great name BTW).

                                                                                                            Keep us posted on your progress.

                                                                                                            Mark from California




                                                                                                              Hi Lyric,

                                                                                                              I was able to view the photos you posted.

                                                                                                              If I were you I would see if my insurance would allow me to go directly to a cancer center for a second biopsy and second opinion. I cannot imagine why the first biopsy was inconclusive, but It seems it was some kind of human error, which is why they are planning on having the next procedure done by the head Dermatologist. 

                                                                                                              if this does turn out to be melanoma, the dermatologist will just refer you to a cancer center where you will have to schedule more appointments and waste more time waiting. Given the inconclusive first biopsy and very suspicious presentation…you should take matters into your own hands and take that next step yourself.

                                                                                                              With my insurance, I had to first go to my primary care doctor, then get referred to a dermatologist, then get referred to a cancer center…so from my initial appointment to my actual treatment, two months had elapsed. 

                                                                                                              Your next step is a call to your insurance company to get the authorization to take the step to be seen by a melanoma specialist at a cancer center for a second biopsy and second opinion. If they authorize it, they can help you select where you should be seen. Hopefully they can get you in for an office visit in less than a month. Be sure to tell them that your first appointment is for a second biopsy, otherwise they might make you schedule another appointment after the initial appointment…which is just more time that you don't want to wait.

                                                                                                              Good luck Lyric (great name BTW).

                                                                                                              Keep us posted on your progress.

                                                                                                              Mark from California



                                                                                                              Btw, as stated previously my dermatologist scheduled me for the next biopsy in a month from tomorrow when they called. Is this OK? I feel it's a little far out for dealing with this . I'm not sure if the dermatologist wanted to let my finger heal from the previous biopsy or if they are booked or what. I feel like kind of like I'm not being taken care of but then again I don't want to jump to conclusions. What do you guys think?


                                                                                                                Btw, as stated previously my dermatologist scheduled me for the next biopsy in a month from tomorrow when they called. Is this OK? I feel it's a little far out for dealing with this . I'm not sure if the dermatologist wanted to let my finger heal from the previous biopsy or if they are booked or what. I feel like kind of like I'm not being taken care of but then again I don't want to jump to conclusions. What do you guys think?


                                                                                                                  Update: Today I called the dermatologist to get a better date for my biopsy. The nurse on the phone said well your in luck someone just called canceling their appointment for tomorrow at 3:45, which is perfect it's right as I get off work. 🙂

                                                                                                                  But as I'm trying to talk with the nurse she keeps cutting me off. I took that being rude but what do I know. Anyways the nurse says sorry what were you trying to say. I said I'm just trying to get my biopsy earlier because I'm afraid it's possible it could be cancer and I've reached out for advice from others with this information and they've advised I try and seek a sooner date as well since you never know.The nurse says I told you already it's not cancer. I said what do you mean? She said it's melanonychia, it's melan a under the nail but not cancer. I said did my biopsy show it wasn't cancer? She said yes but we want a deeper biopsy. So I'm confused why they would want a second biopsy if it's not cancer and if they are really sure here. She said I would see the head dermotologist tomorrow who would explain things better and look into it. She seeing him should make you feel better.

                                                                                                                  What do you guys think? It's not cancer she said but melanonychia with melanon but they want a deeper biopsy. 


                                                                                                                      I think you just have to wait to talk to the derm.  He will be better at giving you the details than we can.  He's probably talked with the pathologist.   Getting a larger sample doesn't mean much except they are taking precautions. 


                                                                                                                        I think you just have to wait to talk to the derm.  He will be better at giving you the details than we can.  He's probably talked with the pathologist.   Getting a larger sample doesn't mean much except they are taking precautions. 


                                                                                                                          I think you just have to wait to talk to the derm.  He will be better at giving you the details than we can.  He's probably talked with the pathologist.   Getting a larger sample doesn't mean much except they are taking precautions. 


                                                                                                                          Update: Today I called the dermatologist to get a better date for my biopsy. The nurse on the phone said well your in luck someone just called canceling their appointment for tomorrow at 3:45, which is perfect it's right as I get off work. 🙂

                                                                                                                          But as I'm trying to talk with the nurse she keeps cutting me off. I took that being rude but what do I know. Anyways the nurse says sorry what were you trying to say. I said I'm just trying to get my biopsy earlier because I'm afraid it's possible it could be cancer and I've reached out for advice from others with this information and they've advised I try and seek a sooner date as well since you never know.The nurse says I told you already it's not cancer. I said what do you mean? She said it's melanonychia, it's melan a under the nail but not cancer. I said did my biopsy show it wasn't cancer? She said yes but we want a deeper biopsy. So I'm confused why they would want a second biopsy if it's not cancer and if they are really sure here. She said I would see the head dermotologist tomorrow who would explain things better and look into it. She seeing him should make you feel better.

                                                                                                                          What do you guys think? It's not cancer she said but melanonychia with melanon but they want a deeper biopsy. 


                                                                                                                            Update: Today I called the dermatologist to get a better date for my biopsy. The nurse on the phone said well your in luck someone just called canceling their appointment for tomorrow at 3:45, which is perfect it's right as I get off work. 🙂

                                                                                                                            But as I'm trying to talk with the nurse she keeps cutting me off. I took that being rude but what do I know. Anyways the nurse says sorry what were you trying to say. I said I'm just trying to get my biopsy earlier because I'm afraid it's possible it could be cancer and I've reached out for advice from others with this information and they've advised I try and seek a sooner date as well since you never know.The nurse says I told you already it's not cancer. I said what do you mean? She said it's melanonychia, it's melan a under the nail but not cancer. I said did my biopsy show it wasn't cancer? She said yes but we want a deeper biopsy. So I'm confused why they would want a second biopsy if it's not cancer and if they are really sure here. She said I would see the head dermotologist tomorrow who would explain things better and look into it. She seeing him should make you feel better.

                                                                                                                            What do you guys think? It's not cancer she said but melanonychia with melanon but they want a deeper biopsy. 



                                                                                                                              I would suggest asking for a copy of the pathology report from your first biopsy.  This will be very important, especially if you go to a cancer center.  Always, always get copies of the original reports.  Another plus is that you can post the report here and that will give folks more to work with.



                                                                                                                                I would suggest asking for a copy of the pathology report from your first biopsy.  This will be very important, especially if you go to a cancer center.  Always, always get copies of the original reports.  Another plus is that you can post the report here and that will give folks more to work with.



                                                                                                                                  I would suggest asking for a copy of the pathology report from your first biopsy.  This will be very important, especially if you go to a cancer center.  Always, always get copies of the original reports.  Another plus is that you can post the report here and that will give folks more to work with.


                                                                                                                                    Hi everyone, so today I had my appointment with the head dermatologist. Right away the assistant explained to me they would be doing the biopsy and asked and answered any questions I had. The assistant set me up and cleaned my hand to be operated on. Next the head dermatologist walks in says hi and marks the spot he plans on taking the biopsy with marker. Tells the assistant how much lidocaine to give me and what size biopsy to get ready for. This time they make me sign off a waver because of the size and possible chances of infection, bleeding – I guess standard protocol. Next the dermatologist walks in explains more than likely my nail in that area may never grow back or grow back irregular. I said I don't care I'm not entering a beauty contest and he can take my whole finger if he'd like. Lol. I asked what was wrong with the first biopsy and if it showed cancer. He said it showed no cancer but the pathologist asked for a deeper biopsy with more skin and area to make sure. So the dermatologist was straight forward, not compassionate but joked around a bit. Lol. When he finished a had the size of a head of an pencil eraser in my nail bed, into the nail and into the skin. He had to use to burning tool thingy to close it up and stop the bleeding. So it was all over and he stood up and said that's gonna hurt really bad. He told the assistant besides antibiotics to call in a percription for Vicodin for pain and Valium for trouble sleeping. I asked if it were nesisary because I don't like talking drugs and said oh your gonna need it trust me. I said ok. Next I was bandaged up, given antibiotics, told how to keep care of it, my next appointment to check out the healing and asked if I had questions. 

                                                                                                                                    And here I am and trust me he was right, it's painful. One time I agree on taking pain killers. Lol.

                                                                                                                                    I'm glad they did the biopsy today instead of a month away 🙂

                                                                                                                                    Praying it turns out not cancerous. 



                                                                                                                                      Hi everyone, so today I had my appointment with the head dermatologist. Right away the assistant explained to me they would be doing the biopsy and asked and answered any questions I had. The assistant set me up and cleaned my hand to be operated on. Next the head dermatologist walks in says hi and marks the spot he plans on taking the biopsy with marker. Tells the assistant how much lidocaine to give me and what size biopsy to get ready for. This time they make me sign off a waver because of the size and possible chances of infection, bleeding – I guess standard protocol. Next the dermatologist walks in explains more than likely my nail in that area may never grow back or grow back irregular. I said I don't care I'm not entering a beauty contest and he can take my whole finger if he'd like. Lol. I asked what was wrong with the first biopsy and if it showed cancer. He said it showed no cancer but the pathologist asked for a deeper biopsy with more skin and area to make sure. So the dermatologist was straight forward, not compassionate but joked around a bit. Lol. When he finished a had the size of a head of an pencil eraser in my nail bed, into the nail and into the skin. He had to use to burning tool thingy to close it up and stop the bleeding. So it was all over and he stood up and said that's gonna hurt really bad. He told the assistant besides antibiotics to call in a percription for Vicodin for pain and Valium for trouble sleeping. I asked if it were nesisary because I don't like talking drugs and said oh your gonna need it trust me. I said ok. Next I was bandaged up, given antibiotics, told how to keep care of it, my next appointment to check out the healing and asked if I had questions. 

                                                                                                                                      And here I am and trust me he was right, it's painful. One time I agree on taking pain killers. Lol.

                                                                                                                                      I'm glad they did the biopsy today instead of a month away 🙂

                                                                                                                                      Praying it turns out not cancerous. 



                                                                                                                                        Hi everyone, so today I had my appointment with the head dermatologist. Right away the assistant explained to me they would be doing the biopsy and asked and answered any questions I had. The assistant set me up and cleaned my hand to be operated on. Next the head dermatologist walks in says hi and marks the spot he plans on taking the biopsy with marker. Tells the assistant how much lidocaine to give me and what size biopsy to get ready for. This time they make me sign off a waver because of the size and possible chances of infection, bleeding – I guess standard protocol. Next the dermatologist walks in explains more than likely my nail in that area may never grow back or grow back irregular. I said I don't care I'm not entering a beauty contest and he can take my whole finger if he'd like. Lol. I asked what was wrong with the first biopsy and if it showed cancer. He said it showed no cancer but the pathologist asked for a deeper biopsy with more skin and area to make sure. So the dermatologist was straight forward, not compassionate but joked around a bit. Lol. When he finished a had the size of a head of an pencil eraser in my nail bed, into the nail and into the skin. He had to use to burning tool thingy to close it up and stop the bleeding. So it was all over and he stood up and said that's gonna hurt really bad. He told the assistant besides antibiotics to call in a percription for Vicodin for pain and Valium for trouble sleeping. I asked if it were nesisary because I don't like talking drugs and said oh your gonna need it trust me. I said ok. Next I was bandaged up, given antibiotics, told how to keep care of it, my next appointment to check out the healing and asked if I had questions. 

                                                                                                                                        And here I am and trust me he was right, it's painful. One time I agree on taking pain killers. Lol.

                                                                                                                                        I'm glad they did the biopsy today instead of a month away 🙂

                                                                                                                                        Praying it turns out not cancerous. 



                                                                                                                                          Photo of biopsy before being wrapped up. The black is from burning the area with the tool the dermatologist uses.


                                                                                                                                              Hi Lyric,

                                                                                                                                              I am so glad for you that they could get this done for you so quickly. Either way it turns out, this puts you on a faster path to getting you back to living your life to the fullest. 

                                                                                                                                              You are very brave…how you faced this procedure…you can certainly handle anything that comes your way.

                                                                                                                                              Best of luck for the most positive outcome!

                                                                                                                                              Mark from California


                                                                                                                                                Thank you very much Mark for the very kind words 🙂 I'll keep everyone updated when results come in. 


                                                                                                                                                  Hi Lyric, Can you please tell me your results



                                                                                                                                                    Hi Lyric, Can you please tell me your results



                                                                                                                                                      Hi Lyric, Can you please tell me your results



                                                                                                                                                        Hi Lyric! How were the results? Also curious as to how many days you were in pain after the second procedure? Did they remove the majority of the mole? 


                                                                                                                                                        Thanks! Tina


                                                                                                                                                          Hi Lyric! How were the results? Also curious as to how many days you were in pain after the second procedure? Did they remove the majority of the mole? 


                                                                                                                                                          Thanks! Tina


                                                                                                                                                            Hi Lyric! How were the results? Also curious as to how many days you were in pain after the second procedure? Did they remove the majority of the mole? 


                                                                                                                                                            Thanks! Tina


                                                                                                                                                              Hi Lyric,

                                                                                                                                                              I'm at the very beginning of the same story as yours, but I am in the UK, at the mercy of the British National Health Service. I do hope your progress was good. It's about a year ago the last time you posted, you were waiting for the results of the deeper biopsy. What happened then? I'd really like to know. (And Lyric is a lovely name btw)

                                                                                                                                                              I'm about to see the Consultant today, and as you can imagine, I'm worried!


                                                                                                                                                                Hi Lyric,

                                                                                                                                                                I'm at the very beginning of the same story as yours, but I am in the UK, at the mercy of the British National Health Service. I do hope your progress was good. It's about a year ago the last time you posted, you were waiting for the results of the deeper biopsy. What happened then? I'd really like to know. (And Lyric is a lovely name btw)

                                                                                                                                                                I'm about to see the Consultant today, and as you can imagine, I'm worried!


                                                                                                                                                                  Hi Lyric,

                                                                                                                                                                  I'm at the very beginning of the same story as yours, but I am in the UK, at the mercy of the British National Health Service. I do hope your progress was good. It's about a year ago the last time you posted, you were waiting for the results of the deeper biopsy. What happened then? I'd really like to know. (And Lyric is a lovely name btw)

                                                                                                                                                                  I'm about to see the Consultant today, and as you can imagine, I'm worried!


                                                                                                                                                                    Thank you very much Mark for the very kind words 🙂 I'll keep everyone updated when results come in. 


                                                                                                                                                                      Thank you very much Mark for the very kind words 🙂 I'll keep everyone updated when results come in. 


                                                                                                                                                                        Hi Lyric,

                                                                                                                                                                        I am so glad for you that they could get this done for you so quickly. Either way it turns out, this puts you on a faster path to getting you back to living your life to the fullest. 

                                                                                                                                                                        You are very brave…how you faced this procedure…you can certainly handle anything that comes your way.

                                                                                                                                                                        Best of luck for the most positive outcome!

                                                                                                                                                                        Mark from California


                                                                                                                                                                          Hi Lyric,

                                                                                                                                                                          I am so glad for you that they could get this done for you so quickly. Either way it turns out, this puts you on a faster path to getting you back to living your life to the fullest. 

                                                                                                                                                                          You are very brave…how you faced this procedure…you can certainly handle anything that comes your way.

                                                                                                                                                                          Best of luck for the most positive outcome!

                                                                                                                                                                          Mark from California


                                                                                                                                                                          Photo of biopsy before being wrapped up. The black is from burning the area with the tool the dermatologist uses.


                                                                                                                                                                            Photo of biopsy before being wrapped up. The black is from burning the area with the tool the dermatologist uses.


                                                                                                                                                                              Dear all,

                                                                                                                                                                              I also have some sort of suspicious bruise under my little toenail that looked a lot like subungal melanoma. I had it biopsied (the doctor basically just pulled out the nail) a couple of weeks ago and I am still waiting for the actual results but when I called the doctor's office they told me that everything was okay. I can still clearly see the bruise now on the raw toe…is that normal? Should I get another biopsy now done by a real oncologist/dermatologist? 

                                                                                                                                                                              Thank you for your help



                                                                                                                                                                                  I had a dark line on my great toe nail for about 5 years and noticed it got bigger but never thought much about it. One day I saw a commercial about an upcoming news segment on a local news channel about dark lines in nails and I thought… Hey I have one of those. I didn't watch the segment but instead googled it and found lesions that looks just like mine and I further read that it could be melanoma. I saw my local derm and she was extremely concerned and said I should of had it biospsied like yesterday! So I had the nail bed and plate biopsied and got the results 5 days later that revealed nothing. But the pathology report said if the area returned they recommended a biopsy deeper into the nail matrix. Initial biopsy was in September and by December you could distinctly tell it was coming back so they repeated the biopsy(January), this time deeper into the nail matrix. After 2 weeks of waiting, my derm called and said my biopsy was abnormal and revealed melanoma in situ. She referred me to a MOHs surgeon for excision. The MOHs specialist stated that the biopsy confirmed I did have early stage melanoma and he performed a MOHs procedures removing the area of concern and my entire nail unit, nail bed, and nail matrix and surrounding tissue. My toe was reconstructed with a skin graft from my upper thigh. Today is exactly one month since my surgery. My GP wants me to still have a PET Scan which was just ordered and authorized. Kinda scary stuff, they said mine was early stages but I had the spot for years. Don't ignore yours and don't be afraid to get a second opinion! Good luck and God Bless! 

                                                                                                                                                                                  ellen wang

                                                                                                                                                                                    I'm 75 years old Asian lady.  I just noticed  a black line on my right thumb!  According to what I read , I'm in a high risk group for Subungual Melanoma!  The line is not that dark and less than 3mm, maybe 1.5 mm.  I don't remember when I first noticed it, may be a month or longer!  Should I have it check or just keep an eye on it see if it get darker and wider!  I'm quite concerned but try to tell myself it's just nail discoloration!  I need help, please tell me what I should do!  Thanks a million!  EW


                                                                                                                                                                                      Hi lyrical can you tell us how you are doing ? How did the tests come back ? I'm in the same situation just found a brown stripe on my big toe nail and I'm really worried. I'd rather lose my toe than not be around for my kids. Please let us know how you got on. Thanks sindy 


                                                                                                                                                                                        Hi Lyric- I too would like to know if things worked out. I actually created an account specially to reach out to you.. Have the same thing .. recently went to the derm , but he was very dismissive..I thinking of getting a second op… Please let us know ..Thank you soo much


                                                                                                                                                                                          Hi Lyric- I too would like to know if things worked out. I actually created an account specially to reach out to you.. Have the same thing .. recently went to the derm , but he was very dismissive..I thinking of getting a second op… Please let us know ..Thank you soo much


                                                                                                                                                                                            Hi Lyric- I too would like to know if things worked out. I actually created an account specially to reach out to you.. Have the same thing .. recently went to the derm , but he was very dismissive..I thinking of getting a second op… Please let us know ..Thank you soo much


                                                                                                                                                                                              Hi lyrical can you tell us how you are doing ? How did the tests come back ? I'm in the same situation just found a brown stripe on my big toe nail and I'm really worried. I'd rather lose my toe than not be around for my kids. Please let us know how you got on. Thanks sindy 


                                                                                                                                                                                                Hi lyrical can you tell us how you are doing ? How did the tests come back ? I'm in the same situation just found a brown stripe on my big toe nail and I'm really worried. I'd rather lose my toe than not be around for my kids. Please let us know how you got on. Thanks sindy 

                                                                                                                                                                                                ellen wang

                                                                                                                                                                                                  I'm 75 years old Asian lady.  I just noticed  a black line on my right thumb!  According to what I read , I'm in a high risk group for Subungual Melanoma!  The line is not that dark and less than 3mm, maybe 1.5 mm.  I don't remember when I first noticed it, may be a month or longer!  Should I have it check or just keep an eye on it see if it get darker and wider!  I'm quite concerned but try to tell myself it's just nail discoloration!  I need help, please tell me what I should do!  Thanks a million!  EW

                                                                                                                                                                                                  ellen wang

                                                                                                                                                                                                    I'm 75 years old Asian lady.  I just noticed  a black line on my right thumb!  According to what I read , I'm in a high risk group for Subungual Melanoma!  The line is not that dark and less than 3mm, maybe 1.5 mm.  I don't remember when I first noticed it, may be a month or longer!  Should I have it check or just keep an eye on it see if it get darker and wider!  I'm quite concerned but try to tell myself it's just nail discoloration!  I need help, please tell me what I should do!  Thanks a million!  EW



                                                                                                                                                                                                      I had a dark line on my great toe nail for about 5 years and noticed it got bigger but never thought much about it. One day I saw a commercial about an upcoming news segment on a local news channel about dark lines in nails and I thought… Hey I have one of those. I didn't watch the segment but instead googled it and found lesions that looks just like mine and I further read that it could be melanoma. I saw my local derm and she was extremely concerned and said I should of had it biospsied like yesterday! So I had the nail bed and plate biopsied and got the results 5 days later that revealed nothing. But the pathology report said if the area returned they recommended a biopsy deeper into the nail matrix. Initial biopsy was in September and by December you could distinctly tell it was coming back so they repeated the biopsy(January), this time deeper into the nail matrix. After 2 weeks of waiting, my derm called and said my biopsy was abnormal and revealed melanoma in situ. She referred me to a MOHs surgeon for excision. The MOHs specialist stated that the biopsy confirmed I did have early stage melanoma and he performed a MOHs procedures removing the area of concern and my entire nail unit, nail bed, and nail matrix and surrounding tissue. My toe was reconstructed with a skin graft from my upper thigh. Today is exactly one month since my surgery. My GP wants me to still have a PET Scan which was just ordered and authorized. Kinda scary stuff, they said mine was early stages but I had the spot for years. Don't ignore yours and don't be afraid to get a second opinion! Good luck and God Bless! 



                                                                                                                                                                                                        I had a dark line on my great toe nail for about 5 years and noticed it got bigger but never thought much about it. One day I saw a commercial about an upcoming news segment on a local news channel about dark lines in nails and I thought… Hey I have one of those. I didn't watch the segment but instead googled it and found lesions that looks just like mine and I further read that it could be melanoma. I saw my local derm and she was extremely concerned and said I should of had it biospsied like yesterday! So I had the nail bed and plate biopsied and got the results 5 days later that revealed nothing. But the pathology report said if the area returned they recommended a biopsy deeper into the nail matrix. Initial biopsy was in September and by December you could distinctly tell it was coming back so they repeated the biopsy(January), this time deeper into the nail matrix. After 2 weeks of waiting, my derm called and said my biopsy was abnormal and revealed melanoma in situ. She referred me to a MOHs surgeon for excision. The MOHs specialist stated that the biopsy confirmed I did have early stage melanoma and he performed a MOHs procedures removing the area of concern and my entire nail unit, nail bed, and nail matrix and surrounding tissue. My toe was reconstructed with a skin graft from my upper thigh. Today is exactly one month since my surgery. My GP wants me to still have a PET Scan which was just ordered and authorized. Kinda scary stuff, they said mine was early stages but I had the spot for years. Don't ignore yours and don't be afraid to get a second opinion! Good luck and God Bless! 


                                                                                                                                                                                                        Dear all,

                                                                                                                                                                                                        I also have some sort of suspicious bruise under my little toenail that looked a lot like subungal melanoma. I had it biopsied (the doctor basically just pulled out the nail) a couple of weeks ago and I am still waiting for the actual results but when I called the doctor's office they told me that everything was okay. I can still clearly see the bruise now on the raw toe…is that normal? Should I get another biopsy now done by a real oncologist/dermatologist? 

                                                                                                                                                                                                        Thank you for your help


                                                                                                                                                                                                          Dear all,

                                                                                                                                                                                                          I also have some sort of suspicious bruise under my little toenail that looked a lot like subungal melanoma. I had it biopsied (the doctor basically just pulled out the nail) a couple of weeks ago and I am still waiting for the actual results but when I called the doctor's office they told me that everything was okay. I can still clearly see the bruise now on the raw toe…is that normal? Should I get another biopsy now done by a real oncologist/dermatologist? 

                                                                                                                                                                                                          Thank you for your help

                                                                                                                                                                                                          ellen wang

                                                                                                                                                                                                            I posted my question yesterday but I probably did it wrong because I didn't see it today!  Sorry I have to ask the same question again.

                                                                                                                                                                                                            I'm a 75 years old Asian woman, so i'm in the high risk group for Subungual Melanoma!  I don't quite remember, either a month or longer, I noticed a dark line on my right thumb.  It runs vertically from the base to the top of my nail, about 1.5 – 2 mm wide!  I'm very concerned but want to wait and see if the dark band will get wider before I see a doctor!  No family history for Melanoma but my Mom died of colon cancer.  I need help from people who have encountered the same situation for advice!  Thanks a million!  EW

                                                                                                                                                                                                            ellen wang

                                                                                                                                                                                                              I posted my question yesterday but I probably did it wrong because I didn't see it today!  Sorry I have to ask the same question again.

                                                                                                                                                                                                              I'm a 75 years old Asian woman, so i'm in the high risk group for Subungual Melanoma!  I don't quite remember, either a month or longer, I noticed a dark line on my right thumb.  It runs vertically from the base to the top of my nail, about 1.5 – 2 mm wide!  I'm very concerned but want to wait and see if the dark band will get wider before I see a doctor!  No family history for Melanoma but my Mom died of colon cancer.  I need help from people who have encountered the same situation for advice!  Thanks a million!  EW

                                                                                                                                                                                                              ellen wang

                                                                                                                                                                                                                I posted my question yesterday but I probably did it wrong because I didn't see it today!  Sorry I have to ask the same question again.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                I'm a 75 years old Asian woman, so i'm in the high risk group for Subungual Melanoma!  I don't quite remember, either a month or longer, I noticed a dark line on my right thumb.  It runs vertically from the base to the top of my nail, about 1.5 – 2 mm wide!  I'm very concerned but want to wait and see if the dark band will get wider before I see a doctor!  No family history for Melanoma but my Mom died of colon cancer.  I need help from people who have encountered the same situation for advice!  Thanks a million!  EW


                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Hello Lyric and others, I noticed my grey line or stroke on May 2012 and as the line got darker and wider I went to see a dermatologist on Dec 2012. The line was 4mm wide and almost black. I was sent to my first biobsy. It was a punch biobsy and was useless. Then I was sent to a doctor who actually knew something about subungual melanoma and she took proper biobsy from nail matrix. Nothing was found. The nail grew back and the dark line appeared. Then another biobsy by famous melanoma specialist and nothing was found. New nail, new line. On fourth biobsy the nail was removed permanently and no reason for the stroke was found. Maybe there was nothing or maybe the pathologists were not able to locate the target as these symptoms are very very rare in Scandinavia. I have read that a person with blond hair, fair skintype, like I have, does not have black strokes under the nails without a reason. The reason could be mole or melanoma or whatever, but there must be a reason. I still have 200 photos of my thumb in different stages. It's now a thumb without nail, but it did not have melanoma, so far. I made myself stop being scared and try to forget the risk of melanoma because in my case there is nothing I can do more, unless the stroke comes back. Hopefully not. All the best for you who fight with this horrible thing!

                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Hello Lyric and all others! I’m a 33 year old African American Female and I have not been diagnosed with Subungual Melanoma but I have had this light brown band under 3 mm on the left hand ring finger for years now! I have to say about close to almost 10 years. And I’ve never thought anything about it. It hasn’t changed in size and isn’t painful. About 2 years ago while I was getting a manicure, the nail technician said that the band could be some sort of underlying health issue. I asked my doctor at my next annual and was told it was probably nothing and to not worry about it unless something changes in size, color and if pain persists. Nothing has changed since then til now. I don’t remember having any sort of trauma but have had biopsies done 2 years ago for a non related issues. Just yesterday I noticed a post from a doctor on Instagram about Subungual Melanoma and the pictures of the different color bands on the nails and toes. I thought to myself, “Hey I have one on my finger”! And decided to research online about it. Which brought me to this website. I’ve read the comments/stories and decided to create an account and become apart of the community. Prior to seeing the post on Instagram I’ve never heard of anyone having this Condition or anything until now. Should I go ahead and start the process of getting a biopsy done to see whether I’m benign or not? By the way I don’t have any family history of cancer except for my paternal grandfather who was diagnosed and passed away in 1999 from prostate cancer.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Hi Lyric17 and everyone,

                                                                                                                                                                                                                        I hope all is well with you all! I was reading this Board Posts and seems like your dermatologist practice a punch biopsy on the nail. Would you be able to refer me to your dermatologist? Perhaps contact info to call them? I'm from Toronto, Canada. Punch biopsy on nail is not very common practice in Canada. I prefer punch biopsy on nail rather than removing the whole nail plate as it's less trauma on the nail.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Any info is appreciated. 
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        my email add: [email protected]
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Thanks in advance everyone!

                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Hi Lyric17 and everyone,

                                                                                                                                                                                                                          I hope all is well with you all! I was reading this Board Posts and seems like your dermatologist practice a punch biopsy on the nail. Would you be able to refer me to your dermatologist? Perhaps contact info to call them? I'm from Toronto, Canada. Punch biopsy on nail is not very common practice in Canada. I prefer punch biopsy on nail rather than removing the whole nail plate as it's less trauma on the nail.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Any info is appreciated. 
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          my email add: [email protected]
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Thanks in advance everyone!

                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Hi Lyric17 and everyone,

                                                                                                                                                                                                                            I hope all is well with you all! I was reading this Board Posts and seems like your dermatologist practice a punch biopsy on the nail. Would you be able to refer me to your dermatologist? Perhaps contact info to call them? I'm from Toronto, Canada. Punch biopsy on nail is not very common practice in Canada. I prefer punch biopsy on nail rather than removing the whole nail plate as it's less trauma on the nail.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Any info is appreciated. 
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            my email add: [email protected]
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Thanks in advance everyone!
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Hello Lyric and all others! I’m a 33 year old African American Female and I have not been diagnosed with Subungual Melanoma but I have had this light brown band under 3 mm on the left hand ring finger for years now! I have to say about close to almost 10 years. And I’ve never thought anything about it. It hasn’t changed in size and isn’t painful. About 2 years ago while I was getting a manicure, the nail technician said that the band could be some sort of underlying health issue. I asked my doctor at my next annual and was told it was probably nothing and to not worry about it unless something changes in size, color and if pain persists. Nothing has changed since then til now. I don’t remember having any sort of trauma but have had biopsies done 2 years ago for a non related issues. Just yesterday I noticed a post from a doctor on Instagram about Subungual Melanoma and the pictures of the different color bands on the nails and toes. I thought to myself, “Hey I have one on my finger”! And decided to research online about it. Which brought me to this website. I’ve read the comments/stories and decided to create an account and become apart of the community. Prior to seeing the post on Instagram I’ve never heard of anyone having this Condition or anything until now. Should I go ahead and start the process of getting a biopsy done to see whether I’m benign or not? By the way I don’t have any family history of cancer except for my paternal grandfather who was diagnosed and passed away in 1999 from prostate cancer.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Hello Lyric and all others! I’m a 33 year old African American Female and I have not been diagnosed with Subungual Melanoma but I have had this light brown band under 3 mm on the left hand ring finger for years now! I have to say about close to almost 10 years. And I’ve never thought anything about it. It hasn’t changed in size and isn’t painful. About 2 years ago while I was getting a manicure, the nail technician said that the band could be some sort of underlying health issue. I asked my doctor at my next annual and was told it was probably nothing and to not worry about it unless something changes in size, color and if pain persists. Nothing has changed since then til now. I don’t remember having any sort of trauma but have had biopsies done 2 years ago for a non related issues. Just yesterday I noticed a post from a doctor on Instagram about Subungual Melanoma and the pictures of the different color bands on the nails and toes. I thought to myself, “Hey I have one on my finger”! And decided to research online about it. Which brought me to this website. I’ve read the comments/stories and decided to create an account and become apart of the community. Prior to seeing the post on Instagram I’ve never heard of anyone having this Condition or anything until now. Should I go ahead and start the process of getting a biopsy done to see whether I’m benign or not? By the way I don’t have any family history of cancer except for my paternal grandfather who was diagnosed and passed away in 1999 from prostate cancer.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Hello Lyric and others, I noticed my grey line or stroke on May 2012 and as the line got darker and wider I went to see a dermatologist on Dec 2012. The line was 4mm wide and almost black. I was sent to my first biobsy. It was a punch biobsy and was useless. Then I was sent to a doctor who actually knew something about subungual melanoma and she took proper biobsy from nail matrix. Nothing was found. The nail grew back and the dark line appeared. Then another biobsy by famous melanoma specialist and nothing was found. New nail, new line. On fourth biobsy the nail was removed permanently and no reason for the stroke was found. Maybe there was nothing or maybe the pathologists were not able to locate the target as these symptoms are very very rare in Scandinavia. I have read that a person with blond hair, fair skintype, like I have, does not have black strokes under the nails without a reason. The reason could be mole or melanoma or whatever, but there must be a reason. I still have 200 photos of my thumb in different stages. It's now a thumb without nail, but it did not have melanoma, so far. I made myself stop being scared and try to forget the risk of melanoma because in my case there is nothing I can do more, unless the stroke comes back. Hopefully not. All the best for you who fight with this horrible thing!


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Hello Lyric and others, I noticed my grey line or stroke on May 2012 and as the line got darker and wider I went to see a dermatologist on Dec 2012. The line was 4mm wide and almost black. I was sent to my first biobsy. It was a punch biobsy and was useless. Then I was sent to a doctor who actually knew something about subungual melanoma and she took proper biobsy from nail matrix. Nothing was found. The nail grew back and the dark line appeared. Then another biobsy by famous melanoma specialist and nothing was found. New nail, new line. On fourth biobsy the nail was removed permanently and no reason for the stroke was found. Maybe there was nothing or maybe the pathologists were not able to locate the target as these symptoms are very very rare in Scandinavia. I have read that a person with blond hair, fair skintype, like I have, does not have black strokes under the nails without a reason. The reason could be mole or melanoma or whatever, but there must be a reason. I still have 200 photos of my thumb in different stages. It's now a thumb without nail, but it did not have melanoma, so far. I made myself stop being scared and try to forget the risk of melanoma because in my case there is nothing I can do more, unless the stroke comes back. Hopefully not. All the best for you who fight with this horrible thing!

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