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Staged at IIIA, surveillance is the plan for now?

Forums Cutaneous Melanoma Community Staged at IIIA, surveillance is the plan for now?

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    Sally Jackman


      I had a malanoma (mole) in my calf, tumor site operated on January 8th, and they did do a sentinal lymph node biopsy (groin) which turned out positive for cancer cells, and so we go from there. I am told the margin was clear.  Then LDH blood test, and the results are "normal".  Also, the mitotic rate was "normal". 

      PET scan on Monday Jan. 29th, results on Thursday Feb. 1st. 

      PET scan looked good – that is, no problems, nothing lit up. One or two tiny little spots on the lungs, but nothing he was concerned about – no biopsy or anything recommended for the time being. Lymph node was “micrometastatic", and size/depth do not make him want to go in for a CLND (complete lymph node dissection (removal) at groin). Five years ago they would have done it as a matter of routine, but as I wrote about before, they do not see any real improvement in outcome so nothing for now. I’m really happy about that, because a lot of what I’ve read indicates that Lymph node nonsense is almost worse than cancer itself. Well, sort of. So, I’m staged at 3A. So the choice of action is CLND vs Surveillance. We’re feeling certain that surveillance is the right path. This means 1) skin checks with dermatologist every three months, 2) Ultrasound of left groin every 3 months for 1 year to check for node changes, then every 4 months for year 2, then every 6 months for year 3, and 3) CT Scan every 6 months going forward. Of course IF anything pops up along the way, the scheme will change accordingly. He said he thought for someone in my situation there’s a 70% chance that nothing else will come up. Well, and I crazy or is this GREAT news? Yes, every test will have me sweating bullets a bit I suppose, but I'll take this as a good day.  So, for today at least, there's only one thing we say to death, "NOT TODAY!!!!"

      Am I just being overly optomistic? Or did everybody start off this way?

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          Hello, my mom had melanoma on her foot, and during the groin sentinel lymph node biopsy, microscopic cells were found. She did have a CLND where seven out of 16 lymph nodes in groin and lower pelvic had microscopic cells. Went to wait and see. Year and a half later lymph node further up pelvic chain grew big enough to show up on PET. Biopsied. Confirmed and possible lung met along the way. Also underwent genomic testing. Due to that testing, she’s in a target trial on Ibrance to block growth of her specific mutation and kill the cancer. It’s working to our relief.

          Everyone is different. Do I wish she hadn’t had a CLND, as it spread anyway? Probably. She had bad lymphedema and cellulitis three times ending up in hospital. Would she have a heavier tumor burden had we not done the CLND? Probably. There is no right answer at the time you must make one. Except I would suggest you try to at get least immunotherapy because your cancer did spread. I think they okay it now for stage 3.? Best wishes to you and that it never shows up again!



              It’ll be 4 years this July since I was diagnosed stage 3a. I had the WLE done on calf and SLNB done in left groin. Still NED today after a bit of a scare this past July when a lymph node looked suspicious . Had a fine needle biopsy done on it and it was normal… so the tests get a bit easier as time passes, but are there for good reason, to catch something suspicious looking …Take care and I wish the best for your mother




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