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Stage IIIB NED for 1.5 years, now possible spleen mets?

Forums Cutaneous Melanoma Community Stage IIIB NED for 1.5 years, now possible spleen mets?

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      Hey y'all. I need your help – this is all I can do not to "lose it"! 

      Just got scan results back from my 21 month anniversary – and showing 7mm spot on my spleen. A review of CT done 3 months ago revealed spot that has almost doubled in size. Docs are making me hold out another 8 weeks for a PET due to the size. All I can do to not go absolutely bonkers in the next two months, try as I might to "ignore" the possibilities and stick to my usual, positive self. Sent a request for ultrasound if maybe that will confirm something other than melanoma mets. Any helpful info or a supporting note is super appreciated. Extending my love and support to all in your continued journey.

      Ever grateful to be here, Sara. 


      History: I was diagnosed with Stage 3b Melanoma in late September 2016, two weeks after celebrating my 31st birthday. The cancer was found after that mysterious lump turned out to be a 3cm metastasis to the lymph nodes. About a week later, the dermatologist reported the culprit was a small mole found on my lower leg.

      After undergoing surgery to remove 15 lymph nodes in my groin and another golf-ball sized chunk of my calf, I began drug treatment in January 2017 (immunotherapy) under the Keytruda clinical trial program at UCSD Moore’s Cancer Center. While the trial was supposed to last a year, I made it through treatment until the end of April 2017, when my liver decided the toxicity from the drug was affecting my body too strongly.

      Since then, I've been on a holistic regimen of an anti-inflammatory diet, yoga, travel and basically anything to be out enjoying life and keeping stress levels low. I receive scans every 3 months (brain MRI and chest/abd/pelvis CT), and a PET once a year. 

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          Sara-I’m a fellow 3ber from feb 2013 (3cm tumor in armpit). Was getting pet every 3 months then every 6 then yearly. Well about 3.5 years NED they found a spot near my appendix. Did 3 PETS after that and each time it grew and by the 3rd PET it had more than doubled in size. I thought oh great here we go stage 4 here I come. I had my pity party for.a while and prepared myself for surgery. I asked they wait another 3 months (giving me Christmas) and give me a pet. Doc was good with it. Well I had surgery scheduled for the day after the next pet. I went in they did the pet and poof the spot was gone and since it was my 5 year anniversary I was done-never had to go back. I credit it to a good diet (my wife brews her own kombucha) exercise, prayers, and my 5 and 6 year olds. When I left the oncs office all the staff lined the hallways of mayo and gave me a standing ovation. My daughter thought it was for my birthday! Ha! Greatest feeling in the world. My hope is that your spot goes poof!


              Beautiful! Just the reminder I needed to stick to the holistic plan, eat well and thrive. THANK YOU! So blessed by your story and reply. To your continued health and mine! 


              So sorry you have to go through this again! 
              I can only imagine how stressful it must be, particularly having to wait another 2-months. 

              Just wanted to throw you some quick support your way and say that I really admire your positive attitude. 
              Lots of people can go through challenging times and let it be the excuss that destroys them. It's clear youy've take a different, more empowering and insipring attitude.

              There are a lot of people on this board I admire for similar reasons… I think it's what gets us all through theses difficult times — seeing others go through these challenges and watching them come out the other side stronger and probably even becoming a better human.

              Stay positive and keep doing what you're doing. It helps all of us! 🙂

              – Aaron

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