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SSDI advise?

Forums General Melanoma Community SSDI advise?

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      My husband is no longer physically able to work. He is stage 4 with mets throughout his body. We have been advised to file for disability. My question is does anyone have any advise for making it through the six months before you receive any money? Yes, I know we should have saved for an emergency fund…but we didn't.  I have always been a housewife and know that I will need to find work but I know we won't be able to live on whatever I am able to bring in got 6 months. Also when he quits he will lose his insurance… What then? 

      Sorry, just a little frustrated at the system! 

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    • Replies

          Going on medical disability from work does not equal quitting. Did he already use his FMLA time? My husband is stage iv with brain mets and has only missed a few days of work. If he can get on FMLA and work part time, it could cover the six months. Prayers for you and your family!


            Going on medical disability from work does not equal quitting. Did he already use his FMLA time? My husband is stage iv with brain mets and has only missed a few days of work. If he can get on FMLA and work part time, it could cover the six months. Prayers for you and your family!


                My husband works for a small family owned company and does not have to offer FMLA. He is a manager of technicians at a HVAC company but it's the busy season right now so they are still asking him to go out on calls. He did a call yesterday that took him 3 times as long as normal because his body just couldn't keep up and he had to take breaks. He is stage 4 also and has mets in his brain, lung, liver and bones (knee, pelvis, spine, ribs and neck).   It is so hard seeing him like this. He is used to being the manly man, always helping everyone with any hard labor task. He was diagnosed 5 weeks ago…2 weeks before that he was helping clean up tornado damage at people's houses! Now he walks like he is 80 because his bones hurt so bad and he coughs and has a hard time breathing. It amazes me how fast life can change! 

                Thank you for your reply and especially for your prayers! I will add your husband to my prayer list too! 


                  My husband works for a small family owned company and does not have to offer FMLA. He is a manager of technicians at a HVAC company but it's the busy season right now so they are still asking him to go out on calls. He did a call yesterday that took him 3 times as long as normal because his body just couldn't keep up and he had to take breaks. He is stage 4 also and has mets in his brain, lung, liver and bones (knee, pelvis, spine, ribs and neck).   It is so hard seeing him like this. He is used to being the manly man, always helping everyone with any hard labor task. He was diagnosed 5 weeks ago…2 weeks before that he was helping clean up tornado damage at people's houses! Now he walks like he is 80 because his bones hurt so bad and he coughs and has a hard time breathing. It amazes me how fast life can change! 

                  Thank you for your reply and especially for your prayers! I will add your husband to my prayer list too! 


                    My husband works for a small family owned company and does not have to offer FMLA. He is a manager of technicians at a HVAC company but it's the busy season right now so they are still asking him to go out on calls. He did a call yesterday that took him 3 times as long as normal because his body just couldn't keep up and he had to take breaks. He is stage 4 also and has mets in his brain, lung, liver and bones (knee, pelvis, spine, ribs and neck).   It is so hard seeing him like this. He is used to being the manly man, always helping everyone with any hard labor task. He was diagnosed 5 weeks ago…2 weeks before that he was helping clean up tornado damage at people's houses! Now he walks like he is 80 because his bones hurt so bad and he coughs and has a hard time breathing. It amazes me how fast life can change! 

                    Thank you for your reply and especially for your prayers! I will add your husband to my prayer list too! 


                    Going on medical disability from work does not equal quitting. Did he already use his FMLA time? My husband is stage iv with brain mets and has only missed a few days of work. If he can get on FMLA and work part time, it could cover the six months. Prayers for you and your family!


                      Why would he lose his insurance? He should get it for at least 2 years via cobra granted there is a low monthly premium it sounds like you would have a hard time doing.

                      Also does his company have a long term disability policy? Thst can pay a certain percent of income after work.

                      There was a post a few months ago about different charities thst can help. Hopefully you can find it. Sorry I'm having a sharp pain in my left kidney for the first time where there is a new 5 by 4 cm tumor so I'm not thinking too good.



                          I will look into COBRA, and try to find the charity post. Thank you for the reply. Sorry to hear about your new met. Praying for you. 


                            I will look into COBRA, and try to find the charity post. Thank you for the reply. Sorry to hear about your new met. Praying for you. 


                              I will look into COBRA, and try to find the charity post. Thank you for the reply. Sorry to hear about your new met. Praying for you. 


                                I wa told stage four is fast tracted with social security and you should be receiving benefits within 60 days


                                  I wa told stage four is fast tracted with social security and you should be receiving benefits within 60 days


                                    The approval itself is fast-tracked. Benefits will begin 6 months from the date a person first became disabled. To SSA, I think that generally means 6 months from the date a person stops working. I don't know if there's any nuance to that position, e.g., if a person had changed from full- to part-time status rather than immediately stopped working.


                                      The approval itself is fast-tracked. Benefits will begin 6 months from the date a person first became disabled. To SSA, I think that generally means 6 months from the date a person stops working. I don't know if there's any nuance to that position, e.g., if a person had changed from full- to part-time status rather than immediately stopped working.


                                        The approval itself is fast-tracked. Benefits will begin 6 months from the date a person first became disabled. To SSA, I think that generally means 6 months from the date a person stops working. I don't know if there's any nuance to that position, e.g., if a person had changed from full- to part-time status rather than immediately stopped working.


                                          I wa told stage four is fast tracted with social security and you should be receiving benefits within 60 days


                                          Why would he lose his insurance? He should get it for at least 2 years via cobra granted there is a low monthly premium it sounds like you would have a hard time doing.

                                          Also does his company have a long term disability policy? Thst can pay a certain percent of income after work.

                                          There was a post a few months ago about different charities thst can help. Hopefully you can find it. Sorry I'm having a sharp pain in my left kidney for the first time where there is a new 5 by 4 cm tumor so I'm not thinking too good.



                                            Why would he lose his insurance? He should get it for at least 2 years via cobra granted there is a low monthly premium it sounds like you would have a hard time doing.

                                            Also does his company have a long term disability policy? Thst can pay a certain percent of income after work.

                                            There was a post a few months ago about different charities thst can help. Hopefully you can find it. Sorry I'm having a sharp pain in my left kidney for the first time where there is a new 5 by 4 cm tumor so I'm not thinking too good.


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