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Shave biopsy and Melanoma in situ

Forums Cutaneous Melanoma Community Shave biopsy and Melanoma in situ

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      Hi all. I am new here, and back in January I had a shave biopsy on suspicious mole on my back. 

      Two weeks later I got results, melanoma in situ. No depth, thickness etc given in biopsy report. 

      I had WLE with clear margins  

       Final Pathologic Diagnosis


      My question. I have read few times that shave biopsy are not good if it is about melanoma. 

      How does it apply to me?  What should I think? 

      I have already spoken with two doctors in the hospital, dermatologist and melanoma specialists and they assure me it was in situ and shave biopsy was properly done with proper depth with adequate staging.

      What are your thoughts guys?

      Thank you.  Nick

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          Shaves are fine as long as they go deep enough. Sounds like they did go deep enough with yours, and there is no depth reported since it was only in the top layer of your skin, which is what in situ means. Shaves can be troublesome when there is depth involved, because if it doesn't shave deep enough it can bisect the lesion and there is no way to know the actual full depth of a lesion when that happens. Not something you have to worry about. Glad you caught it early!


              I will say, if you ever have another suspicious mole, ask them to do a punch biopsy instead, just to be safe. Plus, they heal much nicer when the biopsy comes back benign and they don't go back for a wide local excision… shave biopsies can make ugly crater-like scars.. I have one on my back from years ago when I had a benign mole biopsied.


                Thank you Jenn.  How do you feel? 


                  Feeling pretty good lately Nick, thanks for asking 🙂


                    I had a shave biopsy done, and you can clearly see remaining cells. Still waiting for the wide excision. Wondering if they could just do the math, and simply add the depth of what is remaining to what was removed.


                      Unfortunately it does not work that way, they can't just add the two pieces together. But, you're getting a SLNB (sentinel lymph node biopsy) so that is good. If they were not offering the SLNB, then I would highly suggest anyone who has a bisected lesion from a shave get one.


                      Well no melanoma is good news, but in situ is as good as it gets – it has no metastatic potential, it's a problem that's now gone and what you really need to do now is catch any new/unrelated melanomas that might pop up (unlikely, but now that you've had one you are at risk of getting another). The shave biopsy was complete with no 'dirty' margins so you are fin. As for shaves, my view is never again – I will always from now on get proper excisional biopsies (eg a cut that is stitched up). I've had shaves and punches in the past but Australian guidelines are to do a proper excisional biopsy for suspected melanoma. I don't mind a few little scars for a proper biopsy. The problem with shaves and punches is when the biopsy is incomplete eg either the base is dissected or there is more on the sides/not removed.


                          Thank you Stars.  I still don't understand why they do shave on the patients. 

                          Is there any time frame in my case to get another melanoma?


                            There's about a 99% chance that you'll never get another mel diagnosis 🙂

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