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Shave biopsy

Forums Cutaneous Melanoma Community Shave biopsy

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      I had melanoma stage 1. Everything has been fine. At my last apt I had a shave biopsy of a mole. It was done before I knew it and I thought she was going to punch biopsy it. Anyway some of the mole was left over. It was completely benign which I was thankful for. My question is should I be concerned about the left over part if it's not growing. This was a very dark mole and pretty large. What's left is like a freckle. I really don't want to go through another biopsy. In the future I'll have them all excised if needed. Thanks.

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          I can't answer but I have the same question.  It came back as a pigmented mole but given the location (lower back/upper butt) I'd like to know if I should get it totally removed since the shave didn't get everything.  


            For a benign lesion, I wouldn't bother.  Even if it grows back, it's unlikely anything special but still worth showing to a derm.  But I wouldn't (personally) do a re-excision for a benign lesion.  Do what makes YOU feel comfortable!


                Janner what is the other group you have been involved with that is mainly for Stage I people.  I recently came upon someone that is Stage I and would like to recommend it to her.


                  It's a private email group but is no longer active.  I'm no longer recruiting or adding people.  Most of the participants already moved on and are no longer actively concerned about melanoma.  Sorry.


                    Thanks Janner

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