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Forums General Melanoma Community Scanxiety!

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      Here we go! My wife is having her first brain scan and chest MRI tomorrow since her CLND in May. Actually, she had a lung MRI in July before starting treatment and nothing showed up. We're hoping the headaches that come and go are from side effects from pembro and stress.This Wednesday will be her 5th infusion of Pembro. We're fortunate to have a great Oncology Team (SCCA here in Seattle). Her doctor was able to get pembro covered as an adjuvant therapy for what as far as we know now is stage 3. She had I think 18 lymph nodes taken out from her left groin area on May 4th. One we knew had melanoma in it and one other node had a few melanoma cells, everything else was clear.

      I guess it's time to see if Pembro is working and keeping any cancer cells from making an appearance!



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          I hope for the best for you two, and know how you feel. My first scan after my July surgery is Thursday. It seems she has done well in treatment so take that as a good sign.

            Hope & prayers for a good report! It sounds like you have a good Team 😉

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