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Question about biopsy results

Forums Cutaneous Melanoma Community Question about biopsy results

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      Hello…a little background before my question.

      End of July I noticed a spot on my right thigh – not a mole and not a freckle – a little bigger than a freckle, but smaller than a pencil eraser. It has been there my whole life, but I noticed it seemed to be darker. Didn't notice any new colors, and there was no change in the size at all, just seemed darker than normal. I kept an eye on it, and of course poked around at it – because, anxiety – often to assess whether the texture/feel of it had changed (it had not). Then a couple of weeks later, I noticed it seemed just slightly raised…scratched and poked it and was able to kind of peel away a layer. No blood or oozing, and a thin scab formed after. A week later, I saw my dermatologist. Scab was still partially there – showering had washed away part of it and underneath was pinkish skin. 

      Dermatologist did a shave biopsy, and results came back last week benign. I have not read the full path report – I spoke with my dermatologist over the phone and she explained it was a benign sun spot according to the report. I did check with the lab to verify that it was a dermapathologist who did my biopsy. My dermatologist is going to have their in house dermapathologist look at my biopsy, too, for peace of my mind. 

      Here is my question – not sure if it's crazy, but I've been feeling super anxious and need to ask it. Is it possible for a path report to be wrong? What if this happened to be a fast growing melanoma that grew downwards quickly…would it be possible for there to be no more atypical/cancerous cells at the surface, therefore resulting in an incorrect diagnosis of the biopsy? Does that even make any sense? My dermatologist told me not to worry, but I am so worried! My fear is what if the path report is wrong, and the cancer spreads and game over. 

      Thank you in advance to anyone who takes the time to respond. I deeply appreciate it. 

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          I've had a melanoma tumor that came back inconclusive on the initial biopsy that was indeed melanoma and the pathology reports from the surgery reports positively identified it as melanoma. I've never had one come back as benign and then be determined to be melanoma.


              Thank you for taking the time to comment.


              Melanoma would stay on the surface, it is very very unlikely to be an incorrect pathology. Don't worry yourself about something that isn't there. Get the pathology report for peace of mind. Just for another piece of mind, melanoma is not that fast growing, so even if your biopsy came back as melanoma it would not be that far into the growth phase if it is only a month old. No reason to stress and lose sleep over something that isn't happening. Take a deep breath and be grateful for a benign result.


                  Thank you.


                  Benign is great – don't let the gremlins get to you.  Melanoma cells migrate downward, yes, but that's because they grow and divide.  They don't just "leave" a spot, they colonize.  So no, there would be no scenario as you suggested.  Just be aware for mole changes and you are good!


                      Thank you for your comment. 'Gremlins' yes I definitely let the gremlins take over my head space the last couple of weeks. 

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