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Forums Cutaneous Melanoma Community Paranoid!

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      Alright, so I noticed a pretty large lump appear on my groin area pretty much over night 2 nights ago. It was three different colors. (Flesh, red and blueishblack) I googled it while waiting for my so to get home from work and the only thing I could find that looked similar (pretty close actually to it) was nodular melanoma. When he got home from work we went to urgent Care because I don’t have a primary care provider. The person who saw me basically said it felt like a superficial cyst and referred me to a general surgeon to have it cut off. My appointment to see the general surgeon is Tuesday.
      I’m now just super paranoid and worried. I took a shower earlier and when I went to get out of the shower it started to bleed. (It’s still slowly bleeding now like 4.5 hours later) Because it has been bleeding, it has kind of flattened out now. I read nodular melanomas can bleed, but when they do do they flatten out like the bump I have seems to do?
      If it is a cyst like urgent care thought, has anyone heard of a cyst colored like that?

      I’ve been taking pictures to document it, I don’t mind posting them if that’s okay.

      I’m not looking for a diagnosis but just wondering if anyone has heard of or seen a bump like this and if it ended up being a cyst or nudular melanoma?

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          A cyst is just a fluid filled sac.  This sounds like it is more blood filled.  This doesn't sound like nodular melanoma, it sounds like "a fluid filled sac".   First rapid growth then deflation, a cyst sounds much more likely.  Nodular melanoma is going to be a solid tumor.  Yes, the top can bleed but that is usually not an immediate symptom, it tends to be on lesions that have had a longer time to grow.  Go with the most likely explanation first and that wouldn't be nodular melanoma (which is actually quite rare relatively speaking).

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