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panicked for no reason (hopefully)

Forums Cutaneous Melanoma Community panicked for no reason (hopefully)

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      I had my first primary removed august 5th 2013, and have been cancer free ever since. Supposed to have skin checks every 6 months, but I slack on them terribly. They kinda suck and are embarrasing, for me anyway…maybe it was just my dr.
      Anyway, even though I slack on seeing the derm, my hubby checks my body for moles regularly.
      Two nights ago he said the words I never wanted to hear…you have two new moles (near my original primary less than 6in away) and one looks asymmetrical and is two different colors. My kids are home on spring break for another week, but I’m going to try and get into the dr when they go back to school, but please tell me I’m panicking for no reason and that everything is fine. i know it may not be but I need reassuring words…this time is really bothering me, and has my stomach in knots.

      Thanks guys.

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          Read Janner's reply to Ashlee12 "freaking out a little" which was recently posted on the forum (I think today or yesterday).  It is excellent and I believe also applies to your situation.  Janner has great perspective and helps calm those of us who borrow worry (me included).  As I mentioned in another post, I also had a new mole, asymmetrical with two colors, that was found to be just atypical – so, not cancer.  Though my situation does not apply to yours specifically, it just highlights the fact that until there is a biopsy, you can't assume it is melanoma just because it looks weird.  Odds are in your favor.   Doesn't mean you shouldnt get it checked!  Go to the dermatologist and take care of business.  As always – early detection is key if it does turn out to be something (which it probably isn't).


            Read Janner's reply to Ashlee12 "freaking out a little" which was recently posted on the forum (I think today or yesterday).  It is excellent and I believe also applies to your situation.  Janner has great perspective and helps calm those of us who borrow worry (me included).  As I mentioned in another post, I also had a new mole, asymmetrical with two colors, that was found to be just atypical – so, not cancer.  Though my situation does not apply to yours specifically, it just highlights the fact that until there is a biopsy, you can't assume it is melanoma just because it looks weird.  Odds are in your favor.   Doesn't mean you shouldnt get it checked!  Go to the dermatologist and take care of business.  As always – early detection is key if it does turn out to be something (which it probably isn't).


              Read Janner's reply to Ashlee12 "freaking out a little" which was recently posted on the forum (I think today or yesterday).  It is excellent and I believe also applies to your situation.  Janner has great perspective and helps calm those of us who borrow worry (me included).  As I mentioned in another post, I also had a new mole, asymmetrical with two colors, that was found to be just atypical – so, not cancer.  Though my situation does not apply to yours specifically, it just highlights the fact that until there is a biopsy, you can't assume it is melanoma just because it looks weird.  Odds are in your favor.   Doesn't mean you shouldnt get it checked!  Go to the dermatologist and take care of business.  As always – early detection is key if it does turn out to be something (which it probably isn't).


                Derm checks are definitely not the most fun; however, after having 2 kids myself, I am no longer embarrassed by anything related to doctors.  While you are having your husband check you out, it is really important to have a doctor do so as well.


                  Derm checks are definitely not the most fun; however, after having 2 kids myself, I am no longer embarrassed by anything related to doctors.  While you are having your husband check you out, it is really important to have a doctor do so as well.


                    Derm checks are definitely not the most fun; however, after having 2 kids myself, I am no longer embarrassed by anything related to doctors.  While you are having your husband check you out, it is really important to have a doctor do so as well.

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