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Nodular Melanoma

Forums Cutaneous Melanoma Community Nodular Melanoma

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      Are nodular melanomas raised or are they flat?

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          A nodule is a raised growth. So nodular melanoma would be raised up, not flat like superficial spreading melanoma which is the most common form.


              How raised does a mole have to be to be nodular melanoma?

                If you’re trying to figure out if you have melanoma, I don’t think it really matters what kind, just get it checked out. If you’be been diagnosed but wondering if yours was nodular, I’d ask your derm their opinion. Mine was flat in the beginning and one side started to raise up and looked like a scab but wasn’t considered nodular melanoma.

                Just to be different I had a superficial spreading melanoma which I didn't pick up until the raised nodular melanoma in the middle appeared


                  Mine started out as a small, flat, black dot. I actually thought it was from a permanent marker. This was around Christmas. By March, it was domed, perfectly round, and 8mm (about 1/4") across. Absolutely no doubt that this wasn't normal. Nodular Melanoma. 


                      Jeff how raised would you say your mole was?


                        I would say it was "slightly" raised …just kind of a dome. I think I would have actually gone to have it looked at if it had been more raised than it was. That's the dangerous thing about this type of Melanoma; doesn't usually become overly raised, and not too large in diameter. It grows down instead. Anyway, that's what I was told.


                          How many millimeters would you say your mole was across when it first started?


                            It was non-existent, and grew over time. If you took a permanent marker (Sharpie), and put a dot on your skin, that is what it looked like when I first noticed it. I remember thinking, "I don't remember that tiny black mole being there before", but it grew from that to 8 mm (a little over 1/4") in diameter in less than three months. Definitely noticed that!


                              If I have a black mole that has not grown in size in 3 months does that mean it is not melanoma?


                                The only way to know if something is melanoma is through a biopsy. Looks alone don't diagnose. If this mole has caused these questions in your mind, then it's time to see a dermatologist and have a professional take a look.


                                Hub's melanoma was a very slightly raised red bumpy area spreading across his face, Honestly, it looked like nothing more than irritated skin. But it was new and different. First time we asked primary care doc about it, he blew us off. The following year I put my foot down and insisted on biospy. It was nevoid malignant melanoma, nodular. Get it checked, please.

                                  Any new pigment/growth in the skin should be checked to rule out melanoma. I’ve had new black raised mole appeared and really freaked out that it might be nodular melanoma, but it was completely benign. In most cases they are benign but defentliley anything new should be checked.
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