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Newly Diagnosed, help with pathology report.

Forums Cutaneous Melanoma Community Newly Diagnosed, help with pathology report.

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      Hello everyone, I was recently diagnosed last week and was looking for some help with my pathology results. I have done some research online, but would love your opinions. I am 30 years old and we lost my Dad to cancer (not skin) 4 months ago. It has been very hard on us, and having to tell my family this is going to be awful. I guess I am hoping for some positive news because I have a lot of anxiety right now.

      Final Diagnosis (right back/shoulder): Malignant melanoma, superficial spreading type, invasive to Clark's level II, Breslow's depth 0.4mm, nonulcerated. Radial growth phase present. Vertical growth phase is absent. Mitotic rate is 0/mm(2). The tumor is present at a peripheral biopsy margin.

      I do have a couple specific questions as well, as I have my consult for wide excision tomorrow. How is is Clark's level II if there is no vertical growth? Also, it seems as though someone in my position may not get a lymph node biopsy, but I of course am terrified that it has possibly spread to them.

      Lastly, I read a little bit about regression and how that is usually not a positive thing. I had an original pathology report from a smaller hospital with the diagnosis as: "Atypical compound melanocytic proliferation with regressive changes, involving 1 peripheral margin". They then sent it to the Mayo Clinic to have another pathologist look at it to "rule out melanoma". So my final diagnosis above was the one from Mayo. That pathologist did not mention anyhting about regressive changes. Does that mean they did not feel there were enough changes to worry about?

      Thank you for your help in advance. I am just so scared and want to make sure that they take a big enough excision out.


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          Clarks level is not a good indicator and I would just ignore that part. My biopsies never even mention Clarks these days, as a lot of places just don't find it neccessary to put that in a report anymore. Breslow depth is the more important depth, which for you is quite shallow, which is great! Also it was not ulcerated, that is also good news. And the mitotic rate is 0 which is excellent. Really, this is close to the best report you can get besides in situ. I know it's scary and I am so sorry for your recent loss. This diagnosis did not come at an easy time for you. What you should focus on now is that you caught it early and it's a stage 1A, which is just a step down from in situ (stage 0). You have a 95% chance of never dealing with this again.. I would take those odds anyday! Focus on the positive, get the WLE, and keep up the good work on catching any new or changing moles early! 

          As for the "regressive changes" noted in the first report but not in the second, I would stick with only what the second report says.. as that was a more knowledgeable pathologist.

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